Co K 3 -- B o T + L e
Monday, January 31, 2005
Friday, January 28, 2005
In denial mode
Slept really early yesterday, so when I woke up today, I felt really energetic. An hour before my alarm rang, I was already awake. But I resist not turning on my phone incase some insane person calls me at that beastly hour in the morning. So everything ready, and, for once, I ate bread and cheese for breakfast rather than the usual not-so-filling Milo. I came to college at 8.30, and somehow I don't feel like going to the cafeteria. I went upstairs, saw Adeline in class. She had Legal Studies that morning. Now I'm still hoping my parents won't enter me into the UNSW external foundation, because I'm not studying legals!!! And I will never, hopefully....First was English class. Yipes! I had forgotten to do my assignment! Whatsmore I was sitting in front, initial target for her. But luckily she didn't, or I'll be dead(not literally!). Manage to pull through English. But might not have such lucky escape next time. Then, after that is Economics. Seems like everything concerning Econs is Supply and Demand. The english terms are getting on my nerves, and since I do not have an Ecomic background in high school, I don't understand it in BM either. Sad :(
Later was Computing class. During lunch time somemore!! Can't eat >.< Lecturer is a punctual person and she also wants her students to be punctual as well! Nak dapat Oreos untuk makan pun tak boleh >.< Had to tahan! Today had to pay Ms. Elsie RM70 for the five books for Econs, and Ms. Shirley for the 3 Computing textbooks. Wa lau, RM112 in a day! Crap man.....and the Econs textbooks will not be used by the lecturer, instead, she's gonna teach us with her notes, so basically it's of no use, unless you want to get some extra points. :( RM70 wasted!
Classes for me finished at 1pm. Had to carry down 3 folders and 6 textbooks to the third floor, where my locker is. So heavy....nearly couldn't make it...
Oh yeah, I had a shock this morning. I was goig to my locker to egt my English textbooks and my folders when I realised the keys to my locker is hanging from the padlock!!! OMG! I must have left it there the day before!!! Argh! I panic-ed and kept searching if anything was stolen!! Nothing was stolen, so I felt very relieved.
I have got to remember if I took the keys to my locker or not, or else more headache would occur. :P
I think that's all about today. Pretty long and boring blog, but nevermind.
Monday, January 24, 2005
Driving is fun....driving is not fun....driving is fun....driving is not fun......
Monday has come, and will be gone in another 45 minutes or so. Since I have nothing to talk about today, I'll blog about what happened yesterday.Alarm woke me up at about 6.55 am. Then, I falled asleep again until about 7.40am. I immediately jumped out of bed and rushed to get things ready. I was going to change when the transport came to pick me up to Safety Driving School, at 7.55!!. Shit! I started to panic!! I had not had my breakfast, and just got out the house in time before it went off ithout me(like the last time >.<). I got my IC this time, and I brought the SmartCard for the bengkel, but they don't need the SmartCard anymore. Can throw now, hehehehe. Two girls(including me), and another guy were in the car. Got to SDC at about 8 something. I had forgotten to bring my handphone on that particular day, and I kind of felt weird without it....Anyhow, when we got there, the guy who brought us to SDC told us to have a cup of tea or something before the lecture starts. Then, we found out the lecturer only starts at 9.30!! Argh! I was made to get up so early for what??? Then other girl that was with me is Chu Ling(i think I got the name right.) She's from the same secondary school, and she's in HELP doing A-Levels if I'm not mistaken. Another fellow A-Levels. But I'm not in HELP of course. Don't even know how t get there.
The person conducting the lecture mainly explained about the five important things we have to do before we start driving. Like adjusting the seat, mirror, seat belt, and another 2 things I forgot. :P It was interesting, but if I continue ranting about the bengkel, a lot of people are gonna fall asleep. ZZZzzzzzz
Okay okay, skip. Fast forward pleaseeeee.
Ahah! LAter on, came home at about 2(was tired), but I watched National Treasure!! Woohoo! Now I got reason to not go One Utama and watch the movie. Save money~~
Oh, and I bought my CNY clothes already. Not from 1U, but from morning market(see? I'm poor.....hehe). Got some really nice clothes there, and luckily they fit me!! Usually the ones I get from 1U can't fit me even if they're size S !!! Ridiculous isn't it?? :P
Okiez, I gotta go now. Got to finish the group presentation before next week. Ciaoz~
Saturday, January 22, 2005
ice cream me
no, i did not, I am not popular........and yes......i wanna sleep........ZZZzzzzzzzzYour Icecream Flavour is...
Cookies 'n Cream! |
![]() |
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
another thing i did when I was bored(and still is...)
what i did when I'm bored....
You're the innocent girl next door. You are
friendly, cheerful, kind, and happy. You like
to spread your happiness around making people
feel warm and joyous. To do this you like to
bake cookie and muffins while giving kind
compliments. Plus you actually give apples to
your teachers. You're pure and innocent and
most likely haven't broken many rules. Everyone
loves you. How can they not?
What kind of girl are you? (with pix!)
brought to you by Quizilla
Monday, January 17, 2005
Argh! I hate group presentation!!!
Y'know, I fell like screaming now.Before that, I'll blog the earlier day's events first.
I had to get up very early this morning. One could have mistaken me going to secondary school(or worst, primary) since it happened to be at that particular hour. I had a LAN subject this morning, at 8 am. So I had to get up at about 7 am because I basically like to dawdle in the morning. Bah! Was almost late for class anyway. The LAN subject this semester is Malaysian History. But the lecturer stressed that it's not the usual history in high school, which is the objective history. This type of history is called interpretative history. Which means, for every event, we have to know the reason why it happened, and what was the outcome of the event.
Sounds terrible isn't it?
Yeah, agonizing, to me, I mean.
After that seemingly long 2-hours class, I head homefor lunch because there's 5 hours to my next class(this schedule of mine is really getting on my nerves). Ate porridge, then Mom offered to send me to college. Yay~ don't have to walk back under the scorching sun today ^^
In the afternoon at 3, I had Academic English class. Lecturer suprised us with an upcoming group presentation. I so hate group presentation. Worst, after group presentation, there's gonna be an idividual presentation. >.<>.< For guys....collar shirt, slacks, and those kind of shoes that men wear to office. But the guys have an exception. They are allowed to wear sneakers! So unfair!!!
Due date for the presentation is in 2 weeks time. Now gotta find the topic and divide the tasks among the group members. The group I'm in consists of 5 people. 4 girls, and one....guy. He's quite new(considered) since he just came last Friday. Name is Nicholas. Now there's 2 Nicholas in my class. The English lecturer was like, "I'm gonna call you Nick, and I'm gonna you(the other one) Nicholas, ok?" Haha.
Today, those Petronas scholars came for the English class. I did not see them during the LAN class. Wow, so many of them, about 17 if I'm not wrong. 1 or 2 Chinese...and the rest all Malays. But hey, don't get fooled by their looks, they're real smart behind those thick glasses. Yeah, healthy competition, according to Ms. Leena.....
Here's just somethings I did due to boredom....and I did not cheat!!!
-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves
your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling
he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss
that never lessens and always blows your
partner away like the first time.
What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're a mermaid. The stereotypical mermaid had a
long, fish-like tail that blended with the
human torso at the hips and almost white skin
with red hair or some off color like green or
blue. They were the most fantastic singers and
the siren type of mermaids would lure sailors
with their lovely lullaby into dangerous rocks.
They were mostly harmless and peacefull and
they were content to simply sit on the beach
combing their hair or in the water playing with
friends. They never wore clothes and were
always women. They were sweet and a little
deciteful at times. (If you cannot see the
picture, go to my userpage and look near the
bottom. There should be the picture and
description for all the results)
What Mystical Creature Are You? (Pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla

You are a human shadow. If a loved one needs you,
you are always right at his or her heels! Your
deep social connection with human beings
produces your qualities of genuine caring and
charisma. However, at times you are naive to
the true nature of your loved ones. Remember
that humans' gift of free will does not always
lead them in wise directions. But your essence
of love and friendship represent the other
precious gifts of humanity. Overall you are a
strikingly valuable and innocent being who has
a lot to give.(please rate my quiz cuz it took
me for freaking ever to create)
What Kind of Shadow Are You? (with gorgeous pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
Saturday, January 15, 2005
Blogging now for no good reason, just to give out the accounts of the day. Ar~ started off in the morning. I was really tired because I had stayed up until about 2 am this morning. Woke up at 9. Received a call later from the Driving School that I have to get ready for the transport at 9. Must get up early again :PThen, I just dawdled around the house since I had nothing to do, then I switched on the computer and logged on to the Net and Neopets and started playing games to earn Neopoints. Currently having 35k NP in my bank account. Wah~
If I could earn another 15k I can upgrade my bank account already. Hmm.....after playing for awhile, my sister Mei Ping started bugging me. "I wanna play, i wanna play~~*whine*". I gave in, she played for don't know how long because I had fallen asleep on the bed in my other sister's room. When I woke up, she had gone for Taekwondo.
Asked Dad about his opinion about the type of folder I should use for college use. He said I should have one for every classes. Sorry, subjects, I mean. He said ring folder would be the best option, though in my opinion not highly recommended because the lecture notes will probably tear at the side. Those folders with plastic pockets inside would be good but it doesn't allow the owner to read the notes straightaway. Have to take out la, then only can read. So I'll opt for the ring binder. Dad also gave me tips on how I'm to collect notes in class. Keep the main folder somewhere else and take a note pad with you to class. Jot the notes down, then clip and put into the folder. Ah~ talk about experience from a person who have gone through university. Luckily I had got the locker.
Not long after that, Dad went out for badminton with his friends, and Mom went out to take my sisters and brother for tea. I decided to stay at home and finish studying for Undang and finish my English and Accouting assignments. Earlier on, I had asked Shu Wei about the duration of the exam. According to her, it's pretty short, but it depends on the queue, if it's long, then it'll be long. Eep~! Hope the queue isn't long tomorrow since I'm going in the morning. Anyway, I'm going to finish downloading this game MU Online. I used to play this once, but back then I had the 56k connection and it was terribly slow. Now that I have streamyx, maybe it'll work faster. Hopefully though.
Oh, I've nothing else to blog now. Except that I'm a bit nervouse on whether I will pass the Undang test tomorrow. Sigh~
Friday, January 14, 2005
blah~ in comp lab again
Hey yo, my internet connection and house phone is working again for your information. Finally, I was so overjoyed when I heard the house phone ringging yesterday~! Whoopieeeee~~~~Huh~ so I'll start blogging from where I left off yesterday (where did I left off yesterday anyway???) So...ah, start with the part where I was at the computer lab waiting for my friend, who did show up, but she said she was able to find me, and I have no idea why because I was sitting near the window. Oh well, she left after not being able to find me, but nevermind. After a few minutes logout and left for home for lunch. It was scorching hot and I was sweating(not so much, but enough to say that weather is probably as hot as, i dunno, hell, maybe?). Okay, now that's exxagerating.
Anyway, I realised this keyboard I'm using is a little weird, some keys have been misplaced on the keyboard and this is annoying.
Erm, back to the day's event.
Okay, so, I went home for lunch, and found out the house phone still couldn't work. I had lunch which consisted of porridge and sardines and stuff inside. Afterwards, just had a talk with my mom about renting a locker which NEARLY turned into a fight. Bleah~
But dad gave me some money for the locker rental. At first, he was like, going against the idea of me renting a locker. Not safe, people might break in and get your stuff, things like that. But Uncle Robert(not related) happened to be there and he said that his daughter also rent a locker, but of course, don't put the expensive stuff and books there it will be alright. RM5 for a semester(app.4 months) for a small locker. Emm.... so after getting the money, suddenly the electricity went off. My whole housing area was affected. Whoa
I didn't really bothered and went to KDU for my Accounting class. Upon reaching there, I realised that the cafeteria was really dark. The first thing that came into my mind is that they're having a procession or something. But it doesn't look it from my view. Then saw Rachel and she said there's a blackout everywhere. Some parts of KDU is running under emergency lights, the other parts are totally dark. Therefore, Accounting class is cancelled. Darn~ I brought my super heavy and thick textbook for nothing. My right hand has been hurting for god knows what reasons and I can barely stretch my hand. Pain >.<
Met a few people. 3 guys to be exact. Their names are Kalesh, Alvin, and Steve. That guy Alvin looks really familiar(and this wa what I told Rachel), and she said that he looks like Fan Sheng(oh that's why! =]). Later, we went to the library because there's light there(functioning on what I don't know). I sat by myself at a small cubicle while the others sat among themselves and chatting and doing work. I prefer to be with myself as I have some work to do and when I sit among people, I tend to chat more than do work. Sorry if I seem very passive(I am!).
After some time, I fell asleep on the table. Then, the electricity came back on. Woohoo~~
I grabbed my stuff and went off(bade Rachel goodbye) and reloaded my Student Card. It's needed to rent a locker because they don't receive cold hard cash. Dunno why. Minimum RM10. Well, that's enough. Went to the One0Stop Centre and Student Services Department to do the locker thingie. After some agonizing minutes, my locker's ready!!! ^^
I decided to not put anything into it first. I already got the padlock earlier on before I came back to college for Accounting. Own padlock is required. After getting the locker, I went straight home.
That's for yesterday.
Now, today's turn.
This morning, I had to come to college slightly earlier because Dad had to be in office a little earlier than usual. I was there at about 8.30. Really early, but there's already many people in the cafe. Halfway walking to the cafe, saw Adeline, and waved at her. She's meeting a friend of hers, who is a guy. Dunno what's his name, though. Didn't ask.
Then, I went up to my locker to make sure it's okay, the I went up to class. Almost eveyone is there already. I wasn't very late. The teacher was slightly late. It's Academic English class. Discussed about summary-making. The teacher kept stressing that the summary we're going to write IS NOT the same as the summary we wrote during high school. It's going to be more complicated. I'm so dead. She gave us an assignment, to make a summary about this piece of passage she gave us. Next class, she's gonna ask certain students to read out their summary. Hope it's not me. >.<
Ah, and she said that, you know, it's easy to know about people when you read their email address. She like, scrolled down the list, and she said "Michelle...."(and she looked and me). Eep! I better change my email address. >.< I have to change the one I gave to my Computing lecturer too. Yikes!
After the English class, some of the students(including me) have to remain in the same class for Economics. Bah~! Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. This semester, it's all about Microeconomics. Luckily the lecturer isn't really starting the lectures today because some new students are coming in next week. Petronas and JPA schollars. I have to keep in mind that I have to come to class earlier because knowing these people, they'll bag the front place in class. Oh man~~~
After Economics, I'm right here in one of the computer lab, reading mails and stuff. Hmm... There's supposed to be Computing Class today but it's been cancelled. Now I'm free for the rest of the afternoon. Waahhh~~
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Still starnded at home without internet :'(
I'm right here again at one of the computer labs in college. Currently waiting for my friend Neeraa to finish her essay so I can go home. I managed to finish the essay and get out of class to come to the computer lab. Since this is the only place I can blog as my house line is down, I'm going to spend some of my time here. Okay.So I started class this morning with Economics at 9. After that I was supposed to have a Thinking Skills class but because my replacement teacher is replaced with another teacher, this teacher said that the only assignment the otehr teacher wants us to do is to write an essay about ourselves in 100 words. That's crazy!!! I can only describe myself in ONE sentence! No matter, I just write a lot of things and managed to make it to a full fullscape paper. Phew~! Then I left the class and that's how I ended up here. Earlier on, Dad had given me RM10 for me to go to the cyber cafe to finish this assignment I'm supposed to listen to from online. Unfortunately, I can't do it at the computer lab because according to someone, they don't allow so much bandwidth to be used or something. Oh well...
I'm planning to get a locker to accomodate my things as I go for classes. One of the disadvantages is that if I were to have left something a college and I at home, then it's going to be a slight trouble for me. But I mean, I don't have to always carry my super think-n-heavy accounting textbook with me. And I can keep an umbrella and a supply of fullscap paper. Nice...
Oh by the way, I had noticed that most of the time the flooble chatterbox doesn't work. I have no idea why and in this college, the computers were programmed(or modified or whatever u call it) and it bans certain websites from being viewed. Darn it~
After this, I have to go and purchase a padlock for my locker. Hmm....
stranded without internet at home
I'll start blogging from yesterday. I woke up as usual, and do the usual things in the morning like washing up and eating breakfast and other stuff. Then went to college to face most the day. Hmm....had Computing class today. That was one of the classes I had. I couldn't remember the other classes, but nevermind. The students just learn about how to use Microsoft Word and how to use the functions available. Easy stuff.Cumputing class was the last class of that day. After that I head off to the library and do the Accounting assignment which is due the next day. But the teacher happened to forget about the assignment. Hehe~
Then, today, I went to college a bit later as usual. But I wasn't late for class. I arrived at the Centre for Pre-U and got into my first Economics class of the week. Economics sounds really boring. I'll be learning about Microeconomics in my first semester and Macroeconomics in the second semester. God knows what are those anyway >.<
Then, I had been misguided by the timetable. I thought the Accounting class was to start at 11 am, but it actually started at 12 pm. Gah! So, I had gone for 2 Accounting classes today. After having lunch with Neeraa at Parkson, we came back to KDU and that's the reason I'm here right now. Hehe. I'll have to go for my Academic English class now. Logging off~
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Blogging from college
Hey yo~ I'm in college currently. Haha, weird having to blog in college. I'm supposed to be walking back home now, but I've decided last minute to sign up for an account before this afternoon's Computing class at 2 pm. I'll be logging off now, feeling very hungry because I practically FORGOT to have my breakfast, so I'm relatively hungry. Ciaoz~Monday, January 10, 2005
Exhausting college day
Orientation day is over(finally!) Today, the classes start(finally, again!). First subject in the morning is Accouting. There wasn't anything much today, just introduction to the subject. Now I have to hunt for the textbook. It's cost about RM54 at the college bookshop. Highly expensive, isn't it? After Accounting, is Computer class. Currently, the students in FSS and FSB are combined to form a class for Computing. And the English class too. During lunch time, I ate curry mee(yech!) at the college's cafeteria. It's expensive and it's costs RM3.50. Waaa :'( I have to find alternatives. Maybe I'll just eat at Parkson. I could just buy a packet of Nasi Lemak (around RM2.00) and bring my own bottle of water. But of course, I have to find a bottle first right?Hmm...during english class today, we were told that we have to do two presentations in class this year. The first one will be a group presentation. And the second...*gulp* individual. I'm so gonna hate the second one. I'm so shy and having stagefright doesn't really help much. The presentation have to be 30 minutes, and we're given a month to get ready. 15 minutes for the presentation, and another 15 minutes is for discussing(u know...where the other class students are allowed to ask u questions and so on...). I hope I could go through this okay...
Oh by the way, the lecturer who teaches computing, asked for our email because she said she would give assignments through emails. Imagine that! This means I have to check my email more often, and stop it from getting too full, since I gave her my Hotmail email(and having 2mb is starting to irritate me). I hd actually gave her my Yahoo! email too, but I had mispelled it as when it's supposed to be . The "l" and "t" happened to "merge" together. So, I cancelled it off. Oh, I have to get to college before 9.00 am tomoro. Thinking Skills class....I wonder what's that.....ah, and today the Pre-U students were informed that the LANs subjects will be startng next week, instead of in March. Man, that's so unfair! My BM in forecast had a "D" and now I have to take another extra LAN subject. Gah!
Okay, I'd better be signing off now, my streamyx is having some problems again and the guy that came to fix it at my house...his handphone is always not available. Stupid isn't it? Whenever I call, I'm always having this sweet woman's voice saying "Sorry, the Celcom customer you have called, is not available at the moment..." thingie. Grr....
I've better go now, I got to bath and eat dinner. Adios
Saturday, January 08, 2005
Ah, something real weird happened today. Just a couple of hours ago, there was a rat/mouse in the kitchen, and I happened to be there washing my hands. And...........being a girl (Ahhhhhhhh~!) then I ran out of the kitchen, told my parents there's this rat that just entered the bathroom. Took my doggie into the bathroom. The rat disappeared halfway, but mom discovered it hiding between the window panes. That smart rat.Sent dog into the bathroom again. This time, my dog scared it and it fell into the toilet bowl. Ewww~~
Mom flushed it down, but it survived and tried to climb out of the toilet bowl. I flushed it down again but it seems that this rat is very "keng". Maybe I should list it down as a contestant in the show Survivor or something. Right until now, it's still in the toilet bowl, but mom added something extra with it, which I don't know what. Hmm....
I'm finally going to take my Undang exam (after 3 weeks!!!). I was attending briefing and I had this phone call from this unknown fellow. I had forgotten to put my hp under "Silent" mode, so since I was sitting right in front, the lecturer heard it and gave me this surprised look. I managed to shut it off, and the lecturer actually joked about it. Okay...The next day, I realised I couldn't get through to Yew Driving School because I had called the fax number. Silly me. I checked the office number and the number in my hp and it matched! Opps...obviously someone had tried to call me about the Undang thingie.
Now, I have fully planned my calendar for the first term. Everything from class times and birthdates are there. Hopefully, this will help me organize my time better through college life. Thinking about college...I haven't been into the Computer Lab yet. I have merely brisk through it during the tour but I never actually touched any computer in there. I've been to the Library already, but I think next week I'll be required to use the firgerprint scanning before I could enter. Luckily I got it and the student card done already. Phew~
Friday, January 07, 2005
College, cool but lonely
This is supposed to be blogged on Thursday, but due to certain circumstances, it is blogged on Friday. So, I'm gonna juts push it back by one day, okay?So, today, which is Thursday. leg still hurts from yesterday's Amazing Race cross Tresure Hunt in 1 Utama. The Billy the Goat team members were running here and running there to find clues to the questions given and then go to a pitstop to get the answers verified, then given the next question and so on. So, from about 10.30, people in the mall could see some group of teenagers running like buffaloes(serious!) in the mall. In the end, after answering all the questions, my team finished at 1pm, ngam ngam time for lunch.
Rachel suggested the whole team to eat at this place called Roppongi Hills or something. I didn't really eat anything, I just drank soya bean.
The price of the soya bean there is cutthroat, about RM3.50. I ordered the same thing at the DJ Cafe few days back and it only cost RM1.20. Big difference between those 2 prices. That day ended and my leg is in pain! >.<
Then, today, there's a briefing on Rule of Law in the morning. The guy practically crapped almost the whole morning, until he told us he was supposed to have a talk about Rule of Law, with us! Hey, I'm NOT taking Legal Studies, so I don't really have to listen to him. But anyway, the way he puts things are really really funny.
Then, there's free lunch at the Auditorium. As they promised, no sandwiches. I mean, there were, but not as main meals. Then they had this quiz game. Many people weren't present, especially the Scooby Doo team which none of it's members appeared at all!
I went off halfway to get my Student Card and fingerprint scanning done. When I got back, everyone in the Auditorium was doing weird stuff. I mean, it does look like dancing but they said it is some sort of martial arts. I have no idea.
After this martial art thingie, there's a word game. Someone in every group has to draw these pictures to represent something. It's an idiom. This guy, Nicholas(I think I got it correct) from our group could draw pretty well.
Okay, enough of this for today. I'm really tired and thirsty(why ah?). Goin off now. Ciaoz~
Monday, January 03, 2005
First day at college
Yo....first day at college today. I kind of woke up almost late today. least I thought it was late....I had read the timetable wrongly. The college briefing starts at 10.30, not 10 am. Earlier on was new students registration.During college briefing session, a woman told us about the college facilities, club and activities, help centres, and other things we need to know.Then she introduced the deans and some toerh important people in the college. After that, we had this sort of project to raise funds for the tsunami victims.
We got split up into groups. School of Hospitality and Tourism and Culinary Arts to-be students were put into their own group, same as the School of Sciences. Then, those who are entering Pre-U(like me) are to be in their own group. The Pre-U group, since it consists of students who are entering A-Levels, Foundation and so on and so forth, is really large. I mean, it's larger than the other two groups. After that, with Rachel as leader, started to think of ways to collect funds. It was an excruciatingly long time.
Then, at 12 pm, went to lunch with Rachel; and another of her friend(I don't want to spell the name in case I got it wrong and she slice me >.<) at DJ Cafe. After lunch, went back to KDU and upstairs to the fourth floor(very hiiiiigh!) and had this short briefing about the courses. I'll be the only one studying Foundation in Business. Rachel and her friend are in Foundation in Science. I'm gonna be so alone.....sigh....Then there's a counsel student who became our tour guide and took us around the college. The college has a bookstore of it's own, and 4 restaurants and cafes.
Oh by the way, I forgot to mention, I saw Devandra, Wearn Cheah, Kai Mun, and Rachel, and her friend, and this another friend of Wearn Cheah who's from Sarawak.
Now, I'm sitting here typing this blog offline because my streamyx is having problems again...I'll try to get it back on, don't worry. And my leg hurts from walking around so much in college today.
Tomorrow it's gonna be another long day...I'd better ciao now, it's getting late.
Sunday, January 02, 2005
A new online game, and a new college life comin' up
My friend, Felicia has just introduced me to a new online game. And the game sounds interesting. It's called Maple Story and, according to my friend, it is like Mario and Gunbound, except better. The controls are keyboard-based. No fussing with the mouse anymore like I used to when I played RO. Woohoo~Tomorrow it'll be my first official day in KDU. So nervous. Better make sure everything's ready by tonight.
P.S. Today is my dad's birthday and my mom just made some red eggs to celebrate. :D
Saturday, January 01, 2005
A new online game, and a new college life comin' up
My friend, Felicia has just introduced me to a new online game. And the game sounds interesting. It's called Maple Story and, according to my friend, it is like Mario and Gunbound, except better. The controls are keyboard-based. No fussing with the mouse anymore like I used to when I played RO. Woohoo~Tomorrow it'll be my first official day in KDU. So nervous. Better make sure everything's ready by tonight.
Bring out the old year, and bring in the new year
It's 10 minutes to new year. Woah, I just came back from my friend, Ng Corny's birthday party. Her birthday happened to fall on New Year's Eve. Then, supposed to go yum cha with some people but the plan was cancelled in the end. That's about it for now. On Monday, I have to be at KDU pretty early because they're having loads of things to do there, like Regitring new students for the upcoming intake, then college tour, then some seminar on stuff, and some other things. This afternoon I took out all my how-to-study-while-you're-in-college books and looked through them. I don't really recall how I got those books in the beginning, maybe from my cousins and uncle. Maybe...My streamyx connecion is still having problems. For instance, like now, I'm actually doing the typing offline instead. The connection keeps going on then going off and this is really getting on my nerves.
Ever since the earthquake and tsunami happened, the goverment cancelled all new year celebrations in Malaysia to help the victim of the earthquake and tsunami. Many lives were lost. Many were still not found. Many grieving over their lost love ones. I'm really grateful that I still have my family with me as we live far from the sea parts of Selangor. News reports that 2 people in Selangor died when the tsunami striked. Usually in the sea areas. Now the toll had rised to 44000 dead bodies in Asia.
Now I shall log off, with hopes and prayers so no such tragic incident shall happen again.