Late pre-prom post
To confirm one thing:I'll never, ever get my current nor future prom dresses from 1 Utama.
Cut throat price place :/
I head off to D'sara Uptown on the 7th of October with my two *cough*darling*cough* sisters.
*well, they SAID they WERE willing to walk with me =D*
Off we go, in a taxi. First time my sisters are taking taxi.
I bet it wasn't a very pleasant experience hailing a cab. I didn't call one y'know.
Earlier my Dad suggested me to go 1 Utama to look for one.
I refused.
"What's there so see at Uptown?? All offices only"
"I still wanna go..."
"Okay la, up to you"
Reaching there, we walk in the square-ish place.
First block got absolutely nothing =( sadness
Second block got hope abit, but the dresses are made for people of 5-foot-2-inches.
I took a white knee-length dress to try on, but it made me 5-months pregnant-looking o_o
Third block got a couple of shops. Hope level rises a little bit.
But all the dresses made me really fat/pregnant =(((
Damn they were nice okay!!! >=(
And then I saw...a pair of denim blue knee-length boots!!! :O
Oomgomgomgomgomgomgomg I *heart* boots!!!
Soft material somemore!!!
Argh! Must. Focus.
After the short break, walked on and saw a shop selling some clothes. My first impression of it was that it wouldn't have the type of dresses I wanted. But luckily I did not make the mistake of NOT going in. It was like a treasure trove!! =D And I picked out two dresses from their selection.
I planned to put the pics here but I changed my mind.
I preferred the latter.
It looks big in the picture, it's because I didn't adjust it properly.
After deciding which one I wanted to get, I told the sales girl that I'll come by the next day to get it.
On the 8th of October, I dragged Monkaye to Damansara Uptown to get her uber-honest opinion of my dress.
I took the green one, indefinitely.
Then headed of to 1 Utama to look for our accessories.
Hmm...wasn't a very fruitful effort.
But lunch comes first.

*They have this sign at Long John Silver's.....nags head -_-*

*Where's my food?!*
After lunch then we walked around.
Monkaye did get a brooch for her dress, from Bonita.
Really really nice shiny brooches they have XD
One of our priority was to look for a pair of nice heels.
The only problem is
Every heel she picked, I'd say that it's casual.
And every heel I picked, she'd say it's casual.
And it goes on, and on, and on and on, until we didn't find the heels that would fit us O_o
I did saw one in MCM, but they didn't have my size =(((
So much for shopping -_-"
Though I did spot a necklace fit for my dress at Axxezz.
Was not that bad as I got these things from Watson
*A bottle of nail polish and mascara...*
On the 12th of October, MsMooMoo took Monkaye and I to 1 Utama.
*I was supposed to attend class somemore...*
Walked around, got some makeup stuff, the necklace that I wanted from Axxezz.
Then luck hit me as I found the perfect earrings in Momoe to match my outfit!! :O
Huzzah! =D
And I thought Momoe only had lala stuff =O
At that time I also decided to not get any new heels for my dress.
Shall use one of my uber-painful white heels la
Four hours...can tahan gua
And then...I remember on the day I went out with Monkaye I wanted to get the green Vincci clutch that was priced almost as expensive as my dress.
And you know what?
On this day, there's a sale at Vincci and it's half the original price!! RM29.90 for a clutch man!!!
Yahoo~ XD
So everything settled except my hair.
Dunno what to put on it.
Whatsmore short hair cannot curl/straighten/do anything wan.
I miss my long hair...
The next day, MsPanda, Monkaye and I went to USJ Summit in search for accessories.
Got some makeup stuff from the Watson there.
After that, just jalan-jalan for abit.
Did you know? MsPanda and Monkaye had their nails done at a nail parlour(House of Nails) there.
Pretty atmosphere, makes you wanna shake legs there for as long as you feel like it.
They even have waxing services o_o
French mani only takes 15 minutes O_o And the shopowner was true to her words. The french manis DID take 15 minutes only. And the way she did it was like, she damn expert at doing it lor.
Prolly did it to customers like million of times adi that's why =D
Then the two went to get their brow-plucked at another nearby parlour. While I slept on a little bench in the premise :/
And later walked around, this time we shop.
Ms Panda got herself an arm clasp-something. Gosh I don't even know what its called O_o
But I have to say, it's shiny alright. Damn. Shiny.
MsPanda left us awhile after coz she had to go off and pick her mom.
We walked in search for food.
KyrosKebab is out of the picture.
Monkaye mentioned about a cafe we walked past earlier.
Garden Cafe. USJ Summit
Fried Mee Hoon. Mine.
Chicken Chop. Monkaye.
Teh Ais. Mine. Bottle of water. Monkaye.
After the delicious and filling lunch, walked about somemore.
Then took a cab back to college and there were still some spare time for us to chill at TBS Ground floor before taking the 4pm bus home.
Later that night, I persuaded my parents to go have dinner at McDonald's at One Utama.
Of course I have a reason for that. I NEVER go 1 Utama just for walks. Except during foundation year since Atria is a mundane place :/
I wanted to get the pearly hairband from Sinma, since that was the only thing that I could put on my hair.
At the same time, some animals people wanted me to get some stuffs for them as well while I'm there.
Coming home, I deli-daly-ed getting my things packed for the next day. Y'know when I started a-packin' my stuff?
Typical of me la actually =P
And then only I realised...
My uber-painful white heels turned yellow!!!
Minimised the damage by scrubbing the yellow parts with a toothbrush -_-"
Luckily managed to get off most of the yellow stain.
Oh well, it'll only be at my feet, nobody would look that close at the heels I'm wearing, right?
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