Late prom post
THE day itself.Got stalled abit coz had to wait for Monkaye to come so my Dad could take both of us to college.
And you know what?
Monkaye carried the smallest and lightest amount of bags among all of us!!
Apparently, according to her, I said I was going to bring a small bag. And small bags she brought.
One was her schoolbag, the other was one of her shopping bags.
AND it's amazing she could fit everything inside!!
I HAD to bring 2 bags!!! (and another plastic bag for my bottles of water)
Siao giler -_-
Upon arriving, saw
Dumped our darn-heavy bags at the TBS building. Big big heap =D
Went food shopping with Monkaye.
Bought a packet of buns, Chipsmore cookies, sweets(just in case I suffer from carsick).
Yeah I'm such an eater :/
(summore with my dormant life, next time sure become fatty bum bum)
Waited at TBS while the others arrive. Sunny sunny day =D
I didn't have enough sleep the night before.
Eh correction, more like, I slept just a few hours earlier :/
Prolly about 2am
Coz of my last-minute habit.
Heck, THERE ARE some people who calls me last-minute girl, when THEY THEMSELVES are last-minuters also. Dumbasses :/
we were placed in the last bus heading to Genting. And it was then I learnt that it was going ALL THE FREAKIN' WAY UP TO GENTING!
(ceh i thought we taking cable car)
Die lo. I thought I won't make it coz so far, I never take car/bus all the way up before. Until cable-car place only lor. Luckily I brought sweets =D

(Cradle Rock, seen and captured in the bus on the way to Genting...hay, I was bored and I couldn't sleep okay!)

(The effects of food-shopping. Yes, this is my breakfast for today and the day after)
Couldn't even have a wink of sleep on the bus. Some people were playing music right behind where I sat and it was
On the other hand, MsTortoise and MsPanda were already in dreamland long before the people even started playing the music.
O_o damn geng
After the bus reached our destination, First World Hotel, we disembark and sat at the reception area to wait for our room to be ready.
We have 6 people trying to fit into a room supposedly fit for 3.
Damn sad hor =(
The girl who called me waaaayy earlier told me they can't have a bigger room because the rooms are complimentary.
And the room she told me has a queen size bed, and two single beds.
When we entered the room, we saw a queen size bed, and A single bed.
Lagi not enough space -_-"""
So then my friends decided to "split" the bed.
Y'know them hotel beds have the top part(which is the mattress) and the bottom part(which is really hard)?
We just dragged the top part off and voila! we have now more space.
(Though the person that would be sleeping on the freakin' hard past of the bed is gonna suffer severe backpain)
After settling the space problem, lunch is next.
Had McDonald's (very much thanks to MsMooMoo and MrPig)
My favorite : Fillet-O-Fish burger!!
Dunno why, I seem to be more skewed to fish than chicken.
I can't really take chicken. After a few bites sure few like puking, dunno why.
I ain't bulimic though. No this ain't a denial :/
After the lunch, jalan2ed around near the reception area.
Monkaye was looking for a pharmacy. She of course has reasons I won't say here. No it's not illegal reasons mind you.
I was looking for the set brushes available at Watson's. But the Watson's in Genting had only limited stuff and there were no more set brushes.
Panadol pun tak ada.
I wonder...emergency then how???
Monkaye concluded that perhaps people here often get sick. Panadol damn laku.
Perhaps =)
Saw this map of the hotel. Apparently there's a MyNews Cafe here as well O_o
Monkaye got the thing she wanted from there. I was looking into this particular which title I forgotten. The synopsis was rather interesting. I hope I won't see it anymore -_-
Went back to our room and started unpacking most of the things we were going to use later.
Can imagine the dressing table was as if a storm hit it but with makeup items instead. Oh, there were food too.
Dresses and coat hanged nicely in the cupboard.
My bottles of water chilling in the mini fridge.
Yakked and yakked while unpacking stuff.
Suddenly, it was already 4pm! O_o
We got into the room at about 1pm if I'm not mistaken.
Imagine how long we yakked o_o
Suddenly everyone rushed to bath la, to change la, to put makeup la, to do their hair la, adjust dress la, fix makeup la, find stuff la, find prom ticket la, this lar, that lar
Damn headache lar =P
I unconciously promised Monkaye to help her with her dress.
My efforts obviously didn't work. Sorry Monkaye :/
I rushed and put my makeup on last minute. My nailpolish wasn't dried completely and I screwed up one nail.
Took the polish off, then continued to put on makeup, have my hair straightened(OUCH!) by MsPanda (thank you so much XD).
Later I help MsTortoise straighten her hair.
My masterpiece sucked so much, I think I burned her hair instead of making it better O_O
Eventually, Monkaye took over my place -_-
To tell the truth, of all the parts, my hair would be rated the worst.
(Not like it wasn't horrible enough already...)
We left the room late.
The event starts at 7pm.
We left the room at 7.05pm.
When we were at the reception area, we realised we didn't know the way.
Followed some people who we hoped were those going for the prom as well.
Was freakin' cold on the way there can die
So we followed...
And right we were!! XD

At the Grand Ballroom, First World Hotel.

The shadow is of the podium's.


Caught in action! =P

The previous pic and this one is taken at the same time.

They had buffet dinner XD
Eat all yer want.
Damn greedy me took alot of food! =P =P =P
But I finished them lar of course.
Not good to waste food y'know :D
There were performances and lucky draws.
Initially, we thought since we were situated near the stage, we get to see the performances without much obstacles.
Mana tau, the "stage" was actually the centre of the room itself -_-"""
Damn lar then have the stage for what?? Huh?? -_-"""
Though the lucky draw ARE conducted on the real stage.
Haihz in the end couldn't really see the performances.
Dunno go for what...-_-"
The food...was overall okay.
Though as I chewed on, there were some which are not fresh anymore.
But I still ate them.
Once I'm hungry fresh not fresh also I eat.
A prom king and prom queen were elected during the prom too.
I wasn't bothered, considering I couldn't see who or what the heck they looked like.
I eventually gave up listening all together.
Oh by the way, MsPanda won a prize during one of the lucky draw sessions =D
I think it was a blender -_-
Weird for prizes like that to be handed out to the winners IMO...
After all the performances and lucky draws, the last event starts...
And that's when Louis' voice could be heard saying
"And now...the dance floor is now open!"
And then everybody got up and started shakin' their booty!
I just continue sitting at my chair.
Damn lazy so late those people still can dance.
There was a girl who came over to our table just to give sentences of encouragement for us to go and dance.
"Be sporting" she said.
I wished I could've told her I'd prefer spending my time at the arcade playing Daytona than dancing.
I did dance abit...felt uncomfortable larh *groan*
Dah lah tired no mood.
I think people would called me a b*tch who's really self-centered haha
Later hit the arcade with Monkaye and MsPanda.
Tried Daytona 2 but the heels I was wearing didn't help much.
Played Time Crisis but had to go to the loo and I passed Monkaye the gun instead.
Kesian her have to main pulak. Thanks ya =D
I played the other gun game, forgot the name already.
After spending a considerable amount of money(shall not be disclosed here), we walked to our room.
And the naughty bunch of animals in there refused to let us in. >=(
And we did the Irritable-Doorbell move! >=D
until they let us in
Took turns to shower, then played a short game of chor tai di :/ Before going off to hit the sack at 3 or 4am
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Hello. And Bye. Thank you very much.
Hello. And Bye. Thank you very much.
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