I would like a Toyota Yaris XD
Doesn't a
Yaris look nice?
*though I can never get what the advertisement "do you Yaris?" is trying to tell me :/*Which leads to the pressie Jaycee gave to me two days ago(Sunday)

The only thing that could complete my happiness is a car!!
Too bad I don't have one of my own :/
When I get one, no one's gonna take my parking space but me!!!! >=D
*mwahahahahhahahahaha*Anyway, today wasn't such a good day.
Knowing myself to be a really last-minute person, I decided to burn my MYOB assignment into the CD this morning right before I was supposed to leave for the bus.
the CD got stuck -_-"
in the laptop! And refused to come out
Somehow the CD compartment didn't want to eject
And obviously it means
bad news.
Summore I have to get my assignment passed up by 12pm (because that's when my Accounting Transactions and Business Decisions tutorial ends).
By that time, I managed to get the CD out of the laptop(by pushing the emergency eject pin-size buttonhole), and the CD is now corrupted.
Gotten a new CD and at the same time got my file burned into it.
RM5 for both :D
Not bad, but it would have been free
IF my Dad's laptop didn't decide to go haywire on me -_-"
Then had to drag the laptop all over college.
Summore you know la, the laptop damn heavy already, and I walked dunno how many
freakin' flights of stairs because the ground area of the business school was really packed and with the laptop, I can't squeeze between people to get into the lift.
But I'm happy because I completed and handed a major assignment today
1) MYOB2) MPO Individual essay
3) Statistics group assignment
4) ATBD class presentation
5) MAR
4 more to go *crosses fingers*
Wah the cupboard from the previous entry is damn small weih!
Look at this!

My textbooks fit nicely

But my lecture notes, which papers are of A4 size, can fit only
ngam ngam
All the lecture notes are of A4 size. The purple POPULAR file is too, but i'm lazy to make it in a lie-down position.
But then my room's looking spacious-er, with all the books being
dumped arranged in the shelves.
So what am I to complain about?
I'm a very hands-on person
Mom got me a mini shelf yesterday from
RM9.90, and by the looks of it, it seems big enough to handle the mess in my room :D
*me shelf, me small*And I spent a part of this morning fixing it myself.

yay for me! I actually did this myself
*proud*Then continued to complete my long-neglected assignments.
Summore it's that
time of the monthThe time where Id be
bogged down with more assignments I can devour.
Damn sad can? :/
I enjoyed Hot Chocolate!! But without marshmallows :(((
Promised MMUEzzey to go out lunch with here today. 1pm, at
Superbowl Restaurant in Atria.
Ordered Curry Laksa.
Not bad, but tastes abit artificial o_o
Will never wanna go back there >_< But I *do* wanna try their bubu chacha :/
Went to Hot
Chocolat Cafe(again) today evening with MMUEzzey and her friend, EricTheBored.
Purposely for Hot Chocolate somemore... and hopefully with marshmallows ^_^ Unfortunately, my second wish din come true la
Only had a cup of their
Ultimately Hot Chocolate!
*I'm a sizzling hot cup of Ultimately Hot Chocolate!*MMUEzzey had
Chocolate Ramble
*I'm a cold glass of chocolate + peppermint ice cream! Delectable aren't I?*
And EricTheBored ordered
Chocolate Temptation
*I'm a cold glass of chocolate + vanilla ice cream! Come get me! :D*eheheheh enjoyed the drink really much, but the chocolate by itself is almost tasteless!
An original chocolate drink IS supposed to be like that.
Secret Recipe's one......tastes like
Might as well make my own cup of Milo at home :P
After walking around in BigBookShop in Atria (by this time EricTheBored is really very bored!) I was tired.
MMUEzzey seem to still have alot of energy.
Ex-hockey player what you expect -_-By the way, first time I camwhore:
hehe *proud*And went I came into my room after jalan2-ing with MMUEzzey today, I saw
A yellow bird! :OActually saw this bird a couple of time before.
2 of them summore :D
Dunno where they come from, but they remind me of parrots :/
Toucy feely :S
Okay this skin ate alot of my time editing it before saving the template.
The links at the corner is more complicating than spaghetti :S
Anyway I kinda like this skin, except that it kinda makes me as if I'm waiting for someone
What the heck
I'm gonna change it soon, but i SO like the layout
Eveything in one page :D
So unlike the previous "Cute" skin. With the picture links that sometimes never work :/
Oh well. Wanted to look for nice skins but have no time to browse through the million skins available on the internet.
Might make my own one after my finals are over.
Oh by the way, I wrestled with the comment code, and it still doesn't work properly.
I'm laboured over the problem for over an hour, literally, AND it still doesn't work.
Can someone help me? Please?
I'm unhealthy :(((
*I'm typing this while waiting for stuffs to get printed, hehe...I'm getting pretty good at multitasking :P*Anyway, I was reading a health magazine when I came across this
delectable picture of :
*mMmmm~~ hot chocolate and loads of marshmallows~*btw, do ignore the "no sugar added" title down thereReminded me of this cafe that RedNoseReindeer and I went to last Tuesday after spending some time at the library
TRYING to do our assignments.
After some writer's block, decided to have lunch, then proceeded to a kinda-dead mall to look for a retailer for our
MAR project.
The first 2 potential MAR-retailers-to-be was quite uncooperative(or maybe the way I tried talking to them turned them off? :s)
The next one we saw was out for lunch. :(
Then RNR wanted to go to
Right4U Cafe for an ice blended-forgot-what so we headed there, only to be deviated by a new cafe called "
Hot Chocolat".
Doesn't sound glamour outside, but the inside is quite nice. The ambience is suitable for people to just sit and relax with a hot cup of coffee. Hot chocolate in my case =D
Now wishing I had brought some marshmallows, then I could have enjoyed hot chocolates with marshmallows that time when I was there :(
Anybody wanna come along? :D Pretty please? XD
After walking around the rather small shopping centre, we decided to go to to this ____ shop and ask. Considering my father had come here many times, I assured myself the woman manning the shop is quite friendly.
Well...only when you come to her to buy something maybe. She's still friendly anyway, but is really busy because she's the only person in the shop,and obviously she has to do everything.
After explaining what we were there for, she agreed, but of course forewarned us that she is rather busy and hope that this project won't take long. So our first retailer is chosen.
Then walking around the second floor and remembered that the shop that had the sign "Out For Lunch" is now open.
I went to approach this one girl at the counter watching anime on YouTube.Com.
(sorry ya RedNoseReindeer coz you did most of the talking in the end)
I don't know whether the girl actually understood what i said. I just told her that RedNoseReindeer and I are from Taylor's College, and we are doing research project. I stopped there, because the girl looked kinda blur.
DUDE! Like, that was the slowest I could speak, and I swore I was already spitting saliva *eww* on the table.
Okay...too much info here >_<>four hoofs two legs :P
Was already late so she sent me back home.
All in all it was a productive day. :)
By the way, here are some random photos I found left in my camera.
I *heart* strawberries XD
Another random pic :D Strawberry of course...
Strawberry kiss! Haha~
Did I mention I never liked Statistics?
Did I mention I never liked Additional Mathematics?
Statistics is about the same.
Yeah, reliving history.
I got my mid-term results today.
Wanna cry man...
I'm siiiccckkkkk and my phonebill didn't make it better
Had gotten sick later yesterday. Somehow the flu bug got me first :( then in the middle of the night, got cough then this morning, fever.
Stupid la, why must come now, when I have loads of things to do.
I'm supposed to enjoy my holiday summore >:(
Hmm...but then, even though I'm sick, I usually eat what I like during meal times (haha, I don't really care).
Had mi suah with curry just now. That was the highlight of my day! XD Heheh
My MYOB assignment is now 1/3 done
yayayayayayayayayayayayayayI just HOPE there's no mistake this time. I'm getting pretty fed up doing the procedures the second time around >_<
Today the handphone bill came, and I thought I saw :(my sister and I are registered under my father)
-My father's number- rm150
-My number- rm 57
-My sister's number- rm 21
So I was thinking "Hohoho Daddy spent alot again :P"
Then I proceeded to see how many pages his calls and smses came up to.
7 freakin' pages!!! O_O
Then I looked at mine...3 pages...I thought quite ok lo
But when I looked at the end total for mine, was about rm99+
Then I turned the pages back to the front and found out that:
-My number- rm150
-My dad's number- rm57
-My sister's number- rm21
OoooPppPppPppppsppspsssssss! >_<
Dang how come I spent so blardy much on smses?!
My calls only added up to rm20+ only...
Then there's that monthly charge of rm10
The rest are on smses :O
Die lo my Dad gonna kill me -_-"""""
Maybe I should have stuck onto prepaid. I can always check how much I spent a month.
Nobody can do that on postpaid. Not until the bill comes that is -_-
I will never be a shopaholic
In less than a week, I went to 1 Utama TWICE(and obviously regretted it, because I spent nearly RM150). And it's mostly on food(meals there can burn multiple holes in your pocket) and some pricey item(like my new pair of casual heels from NOSE)Mmm...the first day, I was there with Moomoo, RedNoseReindeer, and MousE. Before I met up with them after their movie ended, I grocery-shopped with my mom. After wheeling the trolley away from my mom's car, I bid her goodbye and that I will call her when it's time for me to go home.Then started half walking, half running around because I needed the loo...no idea why tat particular day the toilets everywhere were packed with people. And it's only a Friday!!Then walked to NOSE to find that nice pair of heels that I saw in the NOSE branch at Sunway Piramid. Unfortunately, wasn't there anymore. Dang their stocks move faster before I could even say "Aye".Instead, I saw another pair of nice casual heels, RM49.90. But since it is nice I think it's worth the price lor. By the way, for your information, this is my first ever pair of casual heels which actually has minimal sound distractions I've ever had!Most of my previous heels often make irritating noises as I walk. Damn annoying can die >=(Was really happy with my purchase, that I changed my shoes in the mall itself *hehe* My other heels really hurts, it's really high summore, I feel like I'm tiptoe-ing about while shopping :SAnd to celebrate RedNoseReindeer's VERY belated birthday, I got her ice-cream from Baskin Robbins. Gold Medal Ribbon MmmmMmMmmmMmm~After my friends decided to head home, I was still loitering about in the mall. Planned to find a nice hairband in Sinma, but ended up with a hair bun-maker which until now I never use.My hair damn short la.I think that's about it kua.The second time, around, which was today, RedNoseReindeer drove MsMonKaYe and I to 1 Utama. Overall, her driving has improved since the last time :D yayness!And, guess what???I finally got my left ear pierced!! XDXD
*as proof*
*a closer look*
The process was....err....(in order not to scare away other potential people who wants their ears pierced)...quite okay. Do expect pain abit.In my case, ALOT >_<I have VERY low tolerance to pain. Sadly.MsMonKaYe has hers done before mine. And her face was like, so relax!!And so I thought it was almost painless, until...the girl pressed the gun and ear stud goes through ear and then the searing pain comes O_oBut after a short while it becomes okay. The girl sprayed alot of that numbing cold spray thing before and after the process. Thanked her very much for that, though the pain did not go away completely :PAfter that, had some hot chocolate drink at Secret Recipe.By the way, earlier today, before the piercing incident, I got to watch My Super Ex-Girlfriend!! Quite funny, but overall it doesn't really have a plot, more like what you face everyday minus the superpower stuff. Rate 3.2 out of 5.Lunch at News Cafe. Had Thai Fried Rice(which came with a bowl of delicious tom yam soup, MsMonKaYe had Teriyaki Chicken and RedNoseReindeer had Spaghetti Bolognese. Quite nice, but the price is a wee bit steep, not so surprising though since we're at 1 Utama :/On the way back to the car, I saw this one nice pink bag at a shop. Looks nice, I wanna get XD but the price is RM69.90 for such a simple bag. I could get another nicer bag at the same price somewhere else :( That bag was at 50% off though. Still considering, but I've spent so much money, I think I'll leave that bag for awhile.Now I have to figure out how I could wash my hair. Really need to have it washed, whatsmore tomorrow I'm going to college >_<>
Oh well, I need to get on with my MYOB assignment. So far so good, except for the date format. I have no idea why my program can't follow the one in the book. Argh~
On the brighter side?
HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY~ I've already finished my mid-semester examinations today! XDYay~ and I thought I would be able to enjoy for awhile.BUT No~~When I asked my mother whether I could take the car out to go catch a movie with MsMonKaYe and RedNoseReindeer, my mom totally told me off by saying something like"Oh so now you always take my car and go lepak larh. Never think about petrol ah?? You teenagers only think about enjoying yourself. What about your studies??"Oh.And the funniest part was, a couple of hours before she said that, we were out at the Giant Mall in Kelana Jaya, and she was looking as some nice things while I was busy studying my Statistics lecture notes, and she was commenting on how nice the *whatever she was holding*. I just nodded but didn't turn my facefrom the page I was at. Then she said, "These days you got time to enjoy shopping or not?"I mumbled a "No".I dunno larh. Either her timing is like, really bad, or either that, she just doesn't encourage me shopping with my friends. Always with her. What the heck.Maybe I should just quit tertiary education and start working so I can move out of this bird nest with four solid walls and no door.:( hmph.I might take a taxi tomorrow to 1 Utama then. Let's see if she'd try to stop me.On a brighter note, I've finally met a friend whom I knew for about 2 years(?) last Thursday. Set a lunchmeet at a cafe near college for convinience sake. Didn't have a picture in mind of how he'd look like. Haha...(and yes, I know you'd be reading this)Brought a friend along so I won't feel so awkward, and that friend of mine was so strategically standing there so I asked and she agreed. Muehehehe~So anyway, the lunchmeet wasn't so bad, and Daniel and his two friends(really sorry but I didn't get your names clearly the last time -_-"" i swore one of their names was Victor or something :S)Very unfortunately, by the time we reached the cafe, they had all finished lunch -_-"""Felt so guilty coz they waited so long (the meeting time was supposed to be 12, but we arrived at 12.30). But they were funny :D with all the miang jokes going around.Yea yea they're all miang(according to each other) :PAfter lunch we proceeded to Statistics lecture. Didn't felt like going but there were tips for the mid-semester exams so I dragged myself, but kept falling asleep >_<Aih, I really want that casual pair of heels I saw at NOSE. I want that off-shoulder top from Amour at D'sara Taipan. Woi! when can i go shopping??? Why don't I have freedom?? Maybe I should invest in a car. Or should I wait till I'm 21 then exploit all my freedom at a go? Yarh, in my dreams larh. As long as I'm in this bird nest with no door, I'm trapped, my wings clipped so I won't fly away that easily. Heh.