I'm unhealthy :(((
*I'm typing this while waiting for stuffs to get printed, hehe...I'm getting pretty good at multitasking :P*Anyway, I was reading a health magazine when I came across this delectable picture of :

*mMmmm~~ hot chocolate and loads of marshmallows~*
btw, do ignore the "no sugar added" title down there
Reminded me of this cafe that RedNoseReindeer and I went to last Tuesday after spending some time at the library
After some writer's block, decided to have lunch, then proceeded to a kinda-dead mall to look for a retailer for our MAR project.
The first 2 potential MAR-retailers-to-be was quite uncooperative(or maybe the way I tried talking to them turned them off? :s)
The next one we saw was out for lunch. :(
Then RNR wanted to go to Right4U Cafe for an ice blended-forgot-what so we headed there, only to be deviated by a new cafe called "Hot Chocolat".
Doesn't sound glamour outside, but the inside is quite nice. The ambience is suitable for people to just sit and relax with a hot cup of coffee. Hot chocolate in my case =D
Now wishing I had brought some marshmallows, then I could have enjoyed hot chocolates with marshmallows that time when I was there :(
Anybody wanna come along? :D Pretty please? XD
After walking around the rather small shopping centre, we decided to go to to this ____ shop and ask. Considering my father had come here many times, I assured myself the woman manning the shop is quite friendly.
Well...only when you come to her to buy something maybe. She's still friendly anyway, but is really busy because she's the only person in the shop,and obviously she has to do everything.
After explaining what we were there for, she agreed, but of course forewarned us that she is rather busy and hope that this project won't take long. So our first retailer is chosen.
Then walking around the second floor and remembered that the shop that had the sign "Out For Lunch" is now open.
I went to approach this one girl at the counter watching anime on YouTube.Com.
(sorry ya RedNoseReindeer coz you did most of the talking in the end)
I don't know whether the girl actually understood what i said. I just told her that RedNoseReindeer and I are from Taylor's College, and we are doing research project. I stopped there, because the girl looked kinda blur.
DUDE! Like, that was the slowest I could speak, and I swore I was already spitting saliva *eww* on the table.
Okay...too much info here >_<>four hoofs two legs :P
Was already late so she sent me back home.
All in all it was a productive day. :)
By the way, here are some random photos I found left in my camera.

I *heart* strawberries XD

Another random pic :D Strawberry of course...

Strawberry kiss! Haha~
testing testing~
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