I would like a Toyota Yaris XD
Serious!Doesn't a Yaris look nice?
*though I can never get what the advertisement "do you Yaris?" is trying to tell me :/*
Which leads to the pressie Jaycee gave to me two days ago(Sunday)

The only thing that could complete my happiness is a car!!
Too bad I don't have one of my own :/
When I get one, no one's gonna take my parking space but me!!!! >=D
Anyway, today wasn't such a good day.
Knowing myself to be a really last-minute person, I decided to burn my MYOB assignment into the CD this morning right before I was supposed to leave for the bus.
the CD got stuck -_-"
in the laptop! And refused to come out
Somehow the CD compartment didn't want to eject
And obviously it means bad news.
Summore I have to get my assignment passed up by 12pm (because that's when my Accounting Transactions and Business Decisions tutorial ends).
By that time, I managed to get the CD out of the laptop(by pushing the emergency eject pin-size buttonhole), and the CD is now corrupted.
Gotten a new CD and at the same time got my file burned into it.
RM5 for both :D
Not bad, but it would have been free IF my Dad's laptop didn't decide to go haywire on me -_-"
Then had to drag the laptop all over college.
Summore you know la, the laptop damn heavy already, and I walked dunno how many freakin' flights of stairs because the ground area of the business school was really packed and with the laptop, I can't squeeze between people to get into the lift.
But I'm happy because I completed and handed a major assignment today
2) MPO Individual essay
3) Statistics group assignment
4) ATBD class presentation
5) MAR
4 more to go *crosses fingers*
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