Rapid KL? Where's Intrakota? *warning: some rantings below*
Har....Just realised recently that the Intrakota buses had been replaced with the Rapid KL buses....thank god the numbers are still the same. I used to think that the Rapid KL buses just mushroomed overnight. Lame thought, eh? I began wondering where were the Intrakota buses when one of my friends, N, brought up the topic of her being late to college. At the time, I only realised I don't see anymore Intrakota buses on the road. Rapid KL became it's name, but according to N, it's not as rapid as it sounds O_o
So anyway, I thought of taking some pictures for there was some stuff happening at KDU, but the battery was dead, so no pictures :( There were banners but I don't know what's going on. My classes starts at 8am, and ends at 11am, then I'm off home. Never bothered to know what's going on because was never really interested anyway, probably starts late into the evening.
Visited G.A. today. Wahaha, sales! ^_^v Planning to get a new pair of sandals but I have to save alot this month for the rainy days....mustn't spend too much, but considerably.
Found a pair of cute shoes, but couldn't decide on which colour to take. White, black, or pink. If I'm crazy, I'd buy all :D The white is petite, but since I always run even with high heels on, they'd turn black really fast, or grey first in that matter. Pink....sweet and cute but it's so hard to match some of my clothes......black....classy...but I got so many black shoes and sandals....Maybe this time I'll opt for either pink or white. I've been wearing purple these days so I think pink can fit. Maybe white....argh, can't make my mind up!! The shoes are 29.90 per pair....and this is on sale.
Chatted with Kak Watie, and tried the new Papparoti bread. RM1.60 for one plain bun with planta and sugar inside....worth it. But sometimes there's excessive amount of sugar inside.
Chatted and ate in the shop till about 1pm, then head home. On the way, bought a roll of thread. Pinkish red. Wanted to use this thread to sew those sequins to my tee. I hope it looks okay.
Many Changes
As you can see, I have changed my blogskin to the preset version on BlogSpot, and I have a reason of doing so. You see, when I started posting pictures here, I have to have a big space so those who visit can read with ease. But I realised my previous blogskin, the "Blue Bolt of Fire" has very little space to view pictures, and you have to move the bottom scrollbar thing, which to me is quite a hassle.
So, I think this is quite a nice skin, so i'll be using it for now. Okay, getting on with today's stuff.
This morning I woke up at about 7am. Early yea? Couldn't get back to sleep, so decided to complete some assignments before the new week starts. Went to my room, and just remembered that the lights are not working very well, so had to bring all my books and papers downstairs to the dining table as temporary study spot. MM was also awake, getting ready for school. Marching. Had to fetch her there at 7.30am.
After that, went back to work on the table....and not long after that the construction workers came to do the walls for the new storeroom downstairs. Again, I had to lug all my things upstairs because they were gonna start drilling and the racket they make can really irritate me. I hate loud noises.
By that time, it was bright enough in my room, so I didn't have to use the light, not like it's usable anyway. Unfortunately, this was the same table I got when I was Standard 6, and it was supposed to be a computer table.
I used it since then until now...but only recently I realised I couldn't spread my work comfortably on the table....hey, more books and papers okay!
Anyhoo, tried to cram all the stuff on the table, making note to go college later to do my work comfortably. Didn't go in the end, lazy to drive -_-"
Called N that afternoon and discussed about Accounting assignments. Chatted about random things after that, and I had to go off, or else my mom is gonna nag me till god knows when.
Did the poncho for awhile, then started to feel sleepy. Had a long nap for 4 hours till 6pm, where I got up and took B for a walk. MP and LJ came along. LJ looked really funny because he took my father's slippers by accident. Run some more....it's a wonder how he ran so fast with such big slippers. Haha :P
Later on, there were some troubles with the electricity in the house. The current wasn't flowing very well and the lights kept blinking like nobody's business. Hmm....
In the end, the whole house had no electricity. Great. Just great. Mom called the TNB people to come andsee what was wrong. Took them nearly an hour to reach here. Minutes later they fixed the wirings and finally there's electricity! Huzzah! Things we took for granted!
Okay, so it's only an hour. There was one time where I had to wait for 3 to 4 hours. THAT was bad. And it went right through the morning! >_<
After that, went out for dinner, and then did some assignments. After that, up here to blog.
Picture time! :D Here are some pictures taken after I sent MM to school and befor the construction peepz arrive:
Mystery Hamper in the car :D (Realise it's wearing a seat belt?)

Side mirror smashed. Drive didn'y drive properly. Omg my god.( I know the picture is blur, my hands weren't steady)

My temporary study table. Messily scattered. But comfortably spread out as well. I love big tables where I can spread out my work.
Me and my cookies ;)
Last Monday, for the first time I tried baking cookies. So far, I had baked cakes and muffins, but not cookies. It's actually premade cookies, so all I have to do is add butter. Easy huh? Yeah :D
So I started at noon. I preheated the oven and had placed the block of butter on the oven in hopes for it to melt...but it didn't, okay, a bit. I got a bit impatient and just mixed the butter and the rest of the batter together. It took me quite a while to mix it because of the lumps of butter here and there. About 1 hour later, I finally got everything mixed. Huzzah!
The next thing was to shape the batter into a couple of round little circles and that took me 3 hours including baking all the batches.*phew!*
By the time I finished cleaning up and packng the cookies into a container, it was dinner time. Kinda late to have cookies.
Hmm seems like half the year have gone by. I have met loads of people, loads of DIFFERENT type of people, and as I realised there ARE more "bye" friends than "hi" friends in my life. Not that I mind, since I'm an introvert anyway. I read in The Star newspaper one day that usually bloggers are introverts...instead of talking and telling people about events and how we feel and other stuffs, bloggers tend to just write them up in their blogs...how true, in my case.
I'm finally in my third ball of yarn for the poncho. I have to get six of em, so I have another 3 more to go....damn...
Oh, my cousin from Germany is coming down on the 30th this month! Huzzah! Oh great, now I cannot study for my September exams...oh no! O_o
And I HAVE got to tell her that the Malaysia Mega Sales has started! yay! Unfortunately, I don't work anymore...no more extra income....cannot get things that I wanted....haihz...
Today my dear Economics lecturer gave the class a chance of a glance at the exam timetable. They had planned the exams days pretty fast...wow.....
Seems like I only have 2 days of exams...cool! Exams end faster! And I have a day of holiday because I'm not having exams on that day but everyone else! Okay...there are a few other people who are exceptions as well...like N :D (Hoi N, when are we going to HELP to inquire about their courses???? I don't wanna drive after the previous accident!! >_<)
Come to think of it, I had wrote this post few days back, but you see, the computer here is a hell lot of trouble because:
1) I don't know how to format this computer, and I don't want to risk it by simply pressing buttons.
2) I'm not a techie person
3) I installed alot of programs but never deleted any of them until now
See? that's why it's giving me a hell lotta trouble. Har.
I'm probably going to SPCA next week. KDU LEO Club activity for the month of July. I love animals! Cockroaches and bugs and pests not included! Doggies! Catties! Yay! ^^
It's no the same day my cousin is coming here. Cootz! Oh, that was a new word i just made myself! Cootz!
See ya all
Boring moments...
Argh!! After a week of boredom, I'm finally so happy that classes are going to start again next week and I could at least have something to do on my hands. Okay, except the english presentation. I was supposed to search for articles to support my presentation but soon realised the topic I chose was scarce and I began to wonder if this topic I chose is right to be presented.
So what have I been doing lately? Many have asked me that question. Some assumed I was going on holidays. Please, I'm so broke I can't even go 1 Utama and shop! Okay okay, so it isn't that bad....but I'm saving up for the upcoming Megasale. I'm still unsure of the date, but I think it's about soon. Anyway, the Pre-U department of KDU is having a trip to Lang Tengah Island(near Redang Island) for 3 days, and damn I couldn't go! :( No money, remember? Oh well, I could spend another 3 days of boring agony at home.)
I've been doing a really simple knit poncho. Been doing a gauge swatch many many times but failed
I hope this time it works. Was supposed to do this on needle number 17(really really big), but I only have number 13(really small compare to number 17). So it'll take longer to knit....oh god....
Hope i finish it fast...i wanna wear it :D
Bird Attack
Part of yesterday's conversation at the G.A. Shoe Shop:
M: Eh kak, tadi ada satu burung gagak tu attack aku la! *berang*
W: Huh? burung gagak? eih, tadi aku pun kena! burung hitam kat luar tu kan?
M: A-ah!
W: Atas pokok tu kan?
M: Em!
W: samalah! aku pun kena jugak. masa aku jalan gi kerja pagi ni.
M: eh eh, ye ke?? *surprised*
I thought only I had been attack by that crazy mammal.
W: Em, agaknya dah gila kot.
M: nasib baik tak kena kepala aku >_<
W: aiks? dia kena kepala aku la, sakitnya! :O
M: kena kepala engkau, sakit kah?
W: Memang...laa burung gila tu....nanti kan tangkap dia dan bagitau kat dia "kurang ajar kau" lolx
M: lolx :D
So you all can roughly guess that I was attacked by a crow outside the area where I reside. Luckily the bird missed me even after swooping a couple of times pass my head. I was a bit blur that day, so I didn't realise the bird was gonna attack me until it came back for the third swoop. I think if i have the chance I'll burn it.....
*Just a short blogpost*
A lecturer, milo ice, and scratch...
Mnay would be thinking what a peculiar title but as the post goes on, you'll understand.
On the previous Moral Studies lecture, my class lecturer, Mr Warren, announced that he is retiring and that was his last day of teaching students. Everybody was surprised. He then continue on telling us that there's no more students for him to teach( and I thought KDU was having insufficient lecturers...), therefore, that day was the last day he was there...jokes about....relaying his experience on many occasions. When he came to the part on how long he had taught students...he first said 23.....and the students were like "OMG, 23 years ah??", then he added "months" and we were like "hey, that's kinda short". But Mr Warren insisted that 23 MONTHS is a long time! It's just that us student don'treally know about it.
There were sad faces as he is one of those lecturers that relaly spice up the class by adding jokes and experiences in class. And makes moral studies an interesting subject! :D Hurrah to Mr Warren! :D
++++Milo Ice++++
I was walking during Thinking Skills that day and I passed a vending machine. Since I never really had a chance at any vending machines for a long time, I decided to try this one. I inserted my student card which acts like a prepaid card, and pressed the "Milo Ice" button. Heard the cup being filled with ice milo, then I took it from the machine. Okay, so it didn't look like Milo....I think if it were to enter the "How thick n Tasty is your Milo" contest, it would even bag the consulation prizes! If it wre to be given marks over 50, it wouldn't even get marginal pass. Is it that bad, you ask. Well, I don't think anybody wants to drink some thing called "Milo" which qualifies to look like drian water, with white stuff floating on top....ewww.....I tried stirring it with a straw but it made no difference. Until I found out later from my lecturer that the mixer in the machine had spoilt so the drinks are undrinkable. 60 cents for nothing....
Hey everybodeh guess what? I had just had my first accident with the Avanza. Man it totally tore my heart that it was dented....and the cost of repairing it makes me more down. I was driving through SS2 during that night. Got it scratched and dented. Heck....my mom was kind off shock. My dad was shock too, but he said this kind of accident happens to people. It's because they never make use of the side mirrors. -_-" I seriously have to keep that in mind then. But for now, I ain't gonna drive till I get my confidence back, and it's not like my mom lets me drive for the time being.
Troubles with painted lockers
So all lockers have to be painted. That's correct, well, when their paints started to peel or fall off or have rust on them, a paint job is very much required.
This had come to me as a shock as I was walking to my locker. Some maintenance fella, I assume, must have coated grey paint on all the lockers. And he coated paint over the lockers numbers as well! Now that's one brain-wrecking confusion unles you have super photographic memory and with a blink of an eye, know which bloody locker is yours.
So, it took me quite some time to find out which was mine, and finally, got the lock undone. *phew*
That was part of the day. Hmmm..what else......oh, these days the term "propaganda" had been discussed a lot in Thinking Skills class. Then linking it to this novel called "The Children's Story", and discovered there were quite a number of propagandas in it. And we were asked to who(audience) is this novel actually relaying messages to. And this is a major assignment, unfortunately.
Did anybody listen to the song in this blog's "Links" section? I think it was the links section. There's a midi there, but I don't know who sang it. Anyone knows?
KDU's StarTag student card...a benefit or a burden?
I'm just blogging here now to relay my experience today at college. As I was leaving the campus with N(friend of mine), I got stuck as the cardreader machine wouldn't let me out because my student card had insufficient credit. "What the....?!"
I started to panic as I did not bring any RM10 notes with me today. Neither did N. Managed to call XW for help.(Arigato so so much!!! ^_^)started running to the cafeteria to change the loose notes into a solid RM10 note(huzzah!) and finally topping up my card with the nearest reload machine available.
Then running again to the car and finally drove out of KDU. My balance before topping up was RM2.76. After topping up, RM12.76. Then when I got out of KDU, you know what? The screen said "Balance : RM9.76. No wonder I could not get out...
Ahhh.....I am so happy this week. My dear A.English lecturer had told the entire class that there wouldn't be any a.english classes this whole week as she had finished the syllabus too fast :P Maybe I should try going to Sungei Wang Plaza during those free periods...whaddya think? Or maybe MidVally Megamall(mwahahahhahahahahhahah).
P.S. Oh ya, remember the poncho-maniac post? That poncho-liking turned out to be an infatuation only(damn)