Friday, July 22, 2005

Me and my cookies ;)

Last Monday, for the first time I tried baking cookies. So far, I had baked cakes and muffins, but not cookies. It's actually premade cookies, so all I have to do is add butter. Easy huh? Yeah :D

So I started at noon. I preheated the oven and had placed the block of butter on the oven in hopes for it to melt...but it didn't, okay, a bit. I got a bit impatient and just mixed the butter and the rest of the batter together. It took me quite a while to mix it because of the lumps of butter here and there. About 1 hour later, I finally got everything mixed. Huzzah!
The next thing was to shape the batter into a couple of round little circles and that took me 3 hours including baking all the batches.*phew!*
By the time I finished cleaning up and packng the cookies into a container, it was dinner time. Kinda late to have cookies.

Hmm seems like half the year have gone by. I have met loads of people, loads of DIFFERENT type of people, and as I realised there ARE more "bye" friends than "hi" friends in my life. Not that I mind, since I'm an introvert anyway. I read in The Star newspaper one day that usually bloggers are introverts...instead of talking and telling people about events and how we feel and other stuffs, bloggers tend to just write them up in their true, in my case.

I'm finally in my third ball of yarn for the poncho. I have to get six of em, so I have another 3 more to go....damn...

Oh, my cousin from Germany is coming down on the 30th this month! Huzzah! Oh great, now I cannot study for my September exams...oh no! O_o
And I HAVE got to tell her that the Malaysia Mega Sales has started! yay! Unfortunately, I don't work more extra income....cannot get things that I wanted....haihz...

Today my dear Economics lecturer gave the class a chance of a glance at the exam timetable. They had planned the exams days pretty
Seems like I only have 2 days of! Exams end faster! And I have a day of holiday because I'm not having exams on that day but everyone else! Okay...there are a few other people who are exceptions as N :D (Hoi N, when are we going to HELP to inquire about their courses???? I don't wanna drive after the previous accident!! >_<)

Come to think of it, I had wrote this post few days back, but you see, the computer here is a hell lot of trouble because:

1) I don't know how to format this computer, and I don't want to risk it by simply pressing buttons.
2) I'm not a techie person
3) I installed alot of programs but never deleted any of them until now

See? that's why it's giving me a hell lotta trouble. Har.

I'm probably going to SPCA next week. KDU LEO Club activity for the month of July. I love animals! Cockroaches and bugs and pests not included! Doggies! Catties! Yay! ^^
It's no the same day my cousin is coming here. Cootz! Oh, that was a new word i just made myself! Cootz!

See ya all


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