Pictures from my lil bro's birthday party(Optional viewing)
I was just reminded about the post where I promised I am going to insert some pictures here from my little brother's birthday party at McDonalds. Along wih those pictures are a short recap of what happened.
On that I was positioned to be the videogirl(but ended up being the cameragirl instead...). My sister, MM, was the SUPPOSED cameragirl, but she was too busy being a kid again that I had to take over her place(I dislike being videogirl anyway :P)
drove to the venue at about 11.30am with mom, my sister, MP, and the little birthday boy.
Upon reaching there, I sent the cake to be put into the refrigerator, and started to take some pictures of post-party event:

From right : Brother Li Jian, army friend and smiley friend

The party table with party hats :D

Kak Watie lugging the food and drinks to every happy kid(maaf, sikit blur)
Then most of the children started to fill in and were shouting and running around(I nearly got banged down eek!). Before long, the host, Kak Watie, with the assistance of two other volunteers, started arranging some chairs for the all-time favorite(with me as an exception) Musical Chairs!
Ok ok, this is getting tiring as I have to type and insert pictures at the same time, so I'll write about the party now, and post the pictures later. *Ahem* So the party went on with musical chairs, and, sad to say, my brother didn't end up as the winner. Too bad lil bro :( After musical chairs, another game was introduced. It's the passing-the-balloon-around game. And the person who's still holding the balloon when the music stops will walk off with a pack of either Hot-Wheels party pack or Barbie Doll party pack(depends on gender). My brother was lucky this time as he emerged as the winner! Huzzah lil bro! :D After the game, the children was geting kind of hungry so they were left to devour their chips and nuggets and drinks. Neither the SUPPOSED cameragirl couldn't take pictures anymore(out of film) nor the videogirl couldn't take anymore pictures(out of battery). What's more, the vidoegirl was getting hungry, and after 2 hours of not having breakfast, finally get to munch into the delicious burger awaiting her(wootz!). After that, the staffs began clearing the tables and the children were starting to leave. So that's about it for my lil bro's birthday party. Now for the pictures(pardon me if they're quite cluttered:

Getting the chairs ready for the all time favorite: "Musical chairs"

The birthday cake

My bro and his birthday cake(oopz, accidentally took the fella who's moving so rapidly)

The hamburglar arrives!

Say cheese, everyone! ;)

Two random lil girls(the right one is my sis, the other is her best friend)

The SUPPOSED camgirl(why la so shy?? :P)
Not long ago I have been having thoughts about setting up my own business. Since Form 5, I had researched some online business websites and so far, they're all okay. Until now, I had already plan what to sell, and where to sell, and how to sell(which requires me to open a new bank account). Now I have to find ways to collect enough capital to run the business. And how to promote the site.
Those who have read the July 2005 version of Seventeen magazine, there's a section for young entrepreneurs and how they cope to make their business successful. After reading and totally absorbing every single word, I was inspired. Really. And I learnt that two things the seller must definitely have in business is courage and confidence. These two things could really make a difference on how one handles business. And setting and running a business ain't easy.
Enough ranting, anyone interested in watching War of the Worlds? :)
Oh yeah, if anyone noticed the date and time, please note that this post had been in here for a couple of days on standby, and I have another post still on standby. -_-
In the still silence of the computerlab...(aren't they always like this at this hour??..)
Such a lovely evening as the sun is shining dimly outside. Perfect weather for taking a long walk along the outskirts of your local playground. So what am I doing?
Sitting in the computer lab with Neeraa and trying(note: TRYING) to finish our computing assignment which is due tomorrow. Talk about last minute work, hehe...-_-"
Lately life has been pretty dull as I had stayed back more than a couple of times to actually complete me assignments. I couldn't help it, really. The computer at home had drove me up the wall for more than a week so if I use it any longer, I might as well don't do my assignment.
Okay, now for the flashback on the past few days.
Monday was one dull day. The essay which I was supposed to pass up the week before, I passed up on that day. Ms. Leena was like, "NOW you're passing this up?" and I said, "Better late than never." "Good point" she said. English class was pretty much okay that day.
Then there's accounting class. Started a new topic today. Imcomplete Records.
A daunting topic it is.
Today was even worst. I got to the part which I was often confused during highschool. Managed to figure out in the end.
There was more about propagandas and ignorances issues in Thinking Skills. My dear lecturer Ms Deehba told about this particular article in The Star(not today's) that a reporter wrote about Cherrie Blair coming to Malaysia, and there were a couple of craps he/she wrote. One thing, Sultan Azlan Shah ain't the Sultan of the country anymore, so why would he invite such a lady? Ignorance, it is.
By the way, there was some perfomances going on in the cafeteria earlier today. Done by the Mass Comm Club(???).I remember one part where they were auctioning one girl *lolx* but it was a joke anyway. Then there were rap songs by some students. I hadn't really watch the entire performance, cabut-ed to the comp lab :P
I'd better go. It's 5.28pm already.
Oh my....
***To KDU Students***
Erm...did you people realised that Friendster and MSN WebMessenger has been blocked in Lab Bradbury? Or was it my imagination since it's a typical Monday morning? x.x
***End of Message***
My dad had recently bought a digital camera :D Huzzah! Now I can actually take pictures and transfer them straight to the computer, instead of the old camera which I have to bother the poor fella at the photoshop to have the pictures done(but i had the feeling they'd be very willing to do the job, anyway).
Dad bought it on Thursday. Then I set the whole thing up and read the manual on Friday. Pretty cool! It's a camera, video recorder, and a webcam all at once :D Man am I so happy ^_^
Been playing with it all day on Saturday, as it was my lil brother's birthday. Made two videos, and took a couple of shots. P.S. Wei, smile la sikit Jian!!
I'll post the pictures probably in the next post when I get my internet connection back in the computer at home.
I had started making a poncho. I am almost done with it, just need to stitch the two pieces together so I can wear it. :) Started on Wednesday, took 4 days to stitch the two pieces. And my hands are getting more tired >.<
Oh ya, before I end this post, I'm sorry Soo Wen for bothering you since I coulsn't go for the French animation, and sorry Shu Wei due to the previous post, what I meant was I know where to go next year, I just don't need someone to derail me.
And lastly, the comments link is still one heck of a problem.
Retaliate(the disobedient daughter I am)
Hmm....have I mention I hate tuitions? Today, being a nice Saturday, is always ruined by a one-hour Economics tuition, and my tutor ain't making it better.
She's from Taylor's Business School, teaching economics for degree. Most of the time, she'd talk me into coming to Taylor's to do my degree. My ass larh...I have already made up my mind on where to do my degree in which University. I won't disclose it here, but it'll be known by next year.
She's probably coming now, I'd better go.
Star(t) Wars
Forewarning: For those who haven't watch Star Wars : Revenge of the Sith, and Mr. & Mrs. Smith, pls, by all means, DO NOT continue reading!
***Last Warning : Spoilers Ahead***
Two days before my family were scheduled to watch ST:ROTS, I managed to get online to TGV and booked e-tickets for my entire family. I was lucky enough to get e-tickets, and what's more, all six seats were middle seats ^_^. That was the last day to watch SW so my dad was very happy *huzzah.
The show was quite interesting, minus the fact that I didn't nowwhat was going on(hey, I missed the other episodes, you know!!!! -.-"). But the movie is really good. Rated 8 1/2 out of 10 if you ask me. But hey, based on rumours, didn't Obi Wan Kenobi died? And I thought there's someone called Princess Amidala in there...wasn't it? Okay, totally lost, I am.
As for M&M.Smith, hey, packed and ready for you action movie fanatics! The movie is mainly about these two people who are expert assasins working for competing companies. Then they got caught up in a mission, which leads to the part where they began to discover more about each other. For this show, I rate it 9 out of 10. Oh, by the way, according to an interview with Angeline Jolie in the June Marie Claire magazine, she and Brad had nothing to do with each other, and the affair thing was a fake story up by the paparazzi. Believe it, or not?
Poncho-maniac :S
Hey, I've been thinking on starting on a poncho project to use up all my current yarn and wool I have left. Been searching About.Com for some how-to-do-ponchos and found some nice ones =) hoping I could start on one soon.
-In a pathetically boring state =(
Tribute to The Megaman Corner and Chellzsite
Hi peepz. Sorry about this, but I'm just giving tribute to my hardworked websites(no links here) The Megaman Corner and Chellzsite. Thinking back, I had been so crazy about HTML(haha back at you Fan Sheng!! :P). I started to put my skills into website designing and, hey, I was pretty impressed with the outcome, and how much freedom HTML had given me, instead of those dull pre-set templates on Angelfire. Unfortunately, my skills could not be brought further as being on a free website, there are boudaries which don't allow moderators to insert certain, more complicating, yet challenging scripts. The only solution is to own my own website. But I can't do that either because being a student, pocket money is really something I have to be careful about, and working(I'm not anymore) had taught me about the value of money, how it comes and goes just like that.
Now with things like PHP, XML, XHTML and DHTML even CGI is mostly used than the ordinary HTML. Now you'd also be thinking why'd I brought this up in this particular post, hmm?
Computing Studies is going to start on HTML, Web Designing about one or two chapters later. So, just a small nostalgic event.
Muahahah I've complete Haunting Ground(PS2 action and Adventure game) XD
Folks, guess what???? XD
I've finally finished Haunting Ground on PS2!!! Huzzah!!!
After those scary moments and potent enemies(okay...Debilitas wasn't potent...), I have got the best ending in the game!!! Fiona gets out safely....but....hey, the ending is slightly puzzling as the enemy dies by getting burned :S And imagine, he managed to stay alive in that burned state for about 5-10 minutes(depending on how long I took to get out of the castle). But anyway, it's all over...
(Just a short review on Haunting Ground)
When I bought HG, it was Capcom's latest game. The game is particularly easy, but with the existance of enemies, the game is leveled to "Normal". The game has bits and ends still undone even though the game is completed, and it's no point pondering over it, because there isn't any answers. Maybe only the game developers have the answers.
That's the review so far.