Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Tribute to The Megaman Corner and Chellzsite

Hi peepz. Sorry about this, but I'm just giving tribute to my hardworked websites(no links here) The Megaman Corner and Chellzsite. Thinking back, I had been so crazy about HTML(haha back at you Fan Sheng!! :P). I started to put my skills into website designing and, hey, I was pretty impressed with the outcome, and how much freedom HTML had given me, instead of those dull pre-set templates on Angelfire. Unfortunately, my skills could not be brought further as being on a free website, there are boudaries which don't allow moderators to insert certain, more complicating, yet challenging scripts. The only solution is to own my own website. But I can't do that either because being a student, pocket money is really something I have to be careful about, and working(I'm not anymore) had taught me about the value of money, how it comes and goes just like that.
Now with things like PHP, XML, XHTML and DHTML even CGI is mostly used than the ordinary HTML. Now you'd also be thinking why'd I brought this up in this particular post, hmm?
Computing Studies is going to start on HTML, Web Designing about one or two chapters later. So, just a small nostalgic event.


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