Just to pass the time
Arty Kid |
 Whether you were a drama freak or an emo poet, you definitely were expressive and unique.
You're probably a little less weird these days - but even more talented! |
errr? Arty? Must've gotten it wrong...The answer to the first question "What's your fav subject in high school", i answer Math!! Not Art!
Your Inner Child Is Surprised |
 You see many things through the eyes of a child. Meaning, you're rarely cynical or jaded. You cherish all of the details in life. Easily fascinated, you enjoy experiencing new things. |
Oh wah...no wonder I'm always excited over little things...me know now...
Your Hair Should Be Blue |
 Wild, brilliant, and out of control. You're a risk taker with an eye to the future. |
Wild? Nah. Brilliant? Nah. Out of control??? That's absurd. Risk taker? Maybe.
Your Blogging Type Is the Private Performer |
 Your blog is your stage - with your visitors your adoring fans. At least, that's how you write with your witty one liners. And while you like attention, you value your privacy. You're likely to have an anonymous blog - or turn off comments. |
I DO turn on my comments, just that this skin doesn't provide the code. Heh.
What Your Sleeping Position Says |
You are calm and rational. You are also giving and kind - a great friend. You are easy going and trusting. However, you are too sensible to fall for mind games. |
OOoo? This is for ppl who sleep on their sides.
Your Hidden Talent |
 You have the power to persuade and influence others. You're the type of person who can turn a whole room around. The potential for great leadership is there, as long as you don't abuse it. Always remember, you have a lot more power over people than you might think! |
So chun meh?? I wish lo~
You Are Socks! |
 Cozy and warm... but easily lost. You make a good puppet. |
Slow and Steady |
 Your friends see you as painstaking and fussy.
They see you as very cautious, extremely careful, a slow and steady plodder.
It'd really surprise them if you ever did something impulsively or on the spur of the moment.
They expect you to examine everything carefully from every angle and then usually decide against it. |
Just out of the blue...

Your Heart is Red
What Color is Your Heart? brought to you by Quizilla
Weird...the result on the original web said my heart colour is blue, then when i copy and paste the code, it became red...odd...Oh well...
Memoirs of the Movie
Watched Memoirs of a Geisha with Ah Wei and Ah Wen two days ago. I just got to know that in Japan the show is just called "Sayuri". Which so happens to be the name of the main character after she becomes a real Geisha. All in all the story was okay, some parts were draggy in my opinion, but it's worth watching. Historic really...about someone's life(it's a memoir, duh).
Shall not elaborate here...very tired, me go sleep, good nightzzz!
Late encounter with Mr. R.U.D.E.
Was working as the only floor attendant after Mel went off work. The night went smoothly, and I was so happy I don't have to deal with OOTO (out-of-the-ordinary) customers.
NO~ fate had to strike me that unfortunate night.
Well, at about 9.15pm according ot my supervisor's watch, 3 customer came to have a late night dinner. One of the customer whose voice I know just too well...
Oh shyt, I thought. It couldn't be...but...oh no....the horrors....
It's him again! Argh! His voice is so loud it's impossible to say that you didn't evesdrop his conversations! Not like I don't evesdrop on customers' conversations =P
So...I had to serve him and his friends that night.
When I took his order, it went something like this:
Me : Are you ready to order?
Him : Oh ah...erm...okay lah, ready.
Me : What would you like to order?
Him : Are you *insert one colleague name here* ?
Me : Hmm? OH no I'm not. She went home already. Her shift was over.
Him : Oh I see...who are you then?
Me : I'm Michelle.
Him : And your surname?
Me : Tan
Him : Oh, so you are
Ah Tan lah? *laughs*
Me : Hmm? Excuse me? *clueless*
Him : Harh? You don't understand
Ah Tan ah? You Hokkien is it?
Me : No la, I'm Teochew. <------------I lied -_-" I'm really Hokkien but it's none of his business anyway
Him : Oh...Johor ah?
Me : *hesitates* Yeah.
Him : *points at friend* He also from Johor.
Friend #1 : You from where Johor? *insert name of place here* ah?
Me : Err...I'm not sure...
Friend #2 : *laughs*
Him : Ahaha nevermind. Okay I want to order now. Eih, what you want to order ah? *asks Friend #2*
Friend #2 : Fish and Chips lo <-----he orders FnC everytime! Don't get sien wan ah...
Him : Oh, then you leh? *asks Friend #1*
Friend #1 : Oh me ah...lamb shank ah
Him : Okay, the I take Teriyaki Chicken Fillet, but change it to drumstick instead of fillet.
Me : Oh, please giveme a moment to ask my supervisor if that's possible...
Him : Aiyoh no need wan lah! Your Chinese Fried Rice also got, sure got alot of stock wan! No need to ask la
Me : Oh *oi, who owns the cafe, you or my boss harh???* then what would you like to drink then?
I kinda forgot what drinks they ordered. Aih. Nevermind, skip that. I felt that sometimes, customers get abit overboard with the waiter/waitress' personal details. I feel so penetrated! Unless he is my close friend, then I won't mind, but this is ridiculous!
Oh by the way, I actually drew a picture about this situation here :

Ridiculous, I know. This is the reason why this post was peding for so long. Needed to get the scanner plugged.
A series of fortunate events
-- 12 January 2005 --
I am a victim of procrastination. Everytime there's a dinner which requires at the very least, a semi-formal attire, one always prepares all neccessities a few days earlier.
Whereas me....
I had to rush-shop on that very day itself! Huahhuah! The day before, I used my break time, and rushed between eating and browsing for the perfect attire! not to mention i need shoes, makeup, and all that blah sorts!
Many many many many thanks to Rachel Lee for noting that The Curve has many nice clothes which can fit into me puny budget! Yay! Rae you're a life saver!
I drove me miserable self to The Curve that rushy afternoon and loked around for pretty dinner dresses. Saw one in a shop, which sold quite alot of dinner dresses. Tried a green and a pink one. Half way through, Nick called.
Supposed to join him at 1 Utama if I planned to shop at the said place. Opps....he couldn't join, The Curve so far. Taxi farres are getting more expensive. Huhuhu....
Did my shopping alone, was gonna buy the green dress, but decided that there might be other places which offer nicer, cheaper choices. On was Niche Fashion City. Hell yeah the dresses there were nice. And HELL yeah the prices are "nice" as well. Did I mention my budget is puny?
Went out and got a reload card for my phone. Been about almost a month since I reloaded. And it was that long that it had been expired. Went one floor down and saw this shop at a corner. Feel Fashion. Wen inside and inquired about dinner dresses. The sales girl merely pointed at a tiny section at a corner. Browse....prices are above me budget. Then saw one...purple...almost tight-fitting dresses.
Perfect! Nyahaha, the price is rather reasonable too. Tried it on. Was abit low on the upper part...other than that, it's nice! Bought it, and left on a mission for a pair of suitable heels.
Swank offered nice heels. I bought a rather simple white casual-cum-formal heels, which suited the dress nicely. Then went to Watson and bought eyebrow liner, purple nail polish(to match the dress), and debated with myself on whether the get the Maybeline Cover Stick for my face, but then didn't buy it. Was looking for the new Stila Funky Eye Highlights pencil eyeliner/shadow sticks. But it was all sold out at Watson! *sob*
Drove to 1 Utama 1 hour and 30 minutes before the dinner. Should have gone home but....really really wanted the Stila pencil colour thingie....saw Mel, she teman-ed me go Watson and look, but they're sold out as well! Grr....
Then Mel had to go coz her break was over. Me went on to Guardian in hopes that they still have the pencil. Yeap, they did!! New arrival some more!!! XD Tried the pink one on my eye(which JayC later on commented me to be unhygenic--hey, I AM hygenic! gonna wash my face later mah....)
In the end, got the purple one, coz it's the nearest match to my pink-purple outfit.
Later on Jaycee tried the eye highlight pencil on Melissa and me, and hey, it's nice! XD
So so so later wore the eyelight pencil to the dinner. But before that...my dress's strap broke when I was in the rush to get to the car! Ack! Took about 15 minutes to fix it back. I thought it totally broke, but actually it's the strap which unhooked itself. *Phew....thank god!
The dinner was gooooood! I have to say, the organisers have done a really good job! The food rocks! Though I never tasted them all....but they're good, really.
There were many people from otehr intakes as well, even January 2006! I saw one of the girls in Sinma when I was debating on having my hair done there or not(which i didn't).
They did lucky draw a few times, and dang! almost got my number, but missed by one! argh! >_< The first lucky draw, the lucky winners had to dance with each other passionately on the stage(which they refused, but is given the prize anyway...) The second lucky draw, the winners had to eat something which is the combination of certain weird food together. Really disgusting! Reminds me of Fear Factor. :-X The third lucky draw, the winners have to catwalk. But there's a catch;guys have to catwalk the girls' way, and the girls' have to cat walk the guys' way! Heh. Syaril did a short girls' way catwwalk(which he did while shaking his booty) and guys' way catwalk(walks dully) before urging the winners to follow him! Lolx! But the winners were to shy to do it. They got the prizes anyway. The fourth and last lucky draw, i'm not sure what the winners were supposed to do, but the heck with it! I don't care...was really dark and was pissed because my camera's shutter speed and aperture sucked! Argh! My pics are darker than the original thing...oh well.... Then they showed a slide show, a flashback of year 2005. There was something wrong with the pictures as the top half was kinda....blurred outta vision. So there were words we couldn't read properly. =( But overall the slideshow was touching...year 2005 passed so fast before my eyes I could hardly believe it. Now with most of us parting to the country down under and the country with the cleanest water, I'm unsure if we would ever meet again. I really miss the times when we were in class laughing at Miss Leena's jokes and acting stupid in front of her! =P There was a brief dancing session but i forgot which lucky draw it was between... Nevermind...I didn't do any dancing that night...but my dear Computing Studies lecturer did an almost wild dance with her sporting boyfriend! Huah! I managed to get a picture but it was so dark so I didn't know what I was pointing at...lolx! There were other lecturers and some students who danced for awhile. Other than that, the night ended after the slideshow. Stayed back with Neeraa for awhile as she is waiting for her parents to fetch her. There were other of my classmates there, taking memorable pictures of each other, with each other. I took some, but shall not put it here. Nyahaha. After Neeraa went, I went to look for my car. I was searching on floor B1, but after 5 minutes then remembered my car was at floor B2! Malunyer aku.... By the time i reached home, it was about midnight. Late yeah, I changed, and hit the sack.
-- 14 January 2005 --
JayC and Mel asked me if I wanted to join them...shopping! XD My second past time besides being idle at home. So so so...the meeting time at The Curve was 12pm. I was rushing like crazy because I got the green light from my parents at 11.30am! So I had to bath, change, do the neccessary before 11.45am! But being the klutz, i only left my house at 12.05pm!(oops!) Arrived at The Curve at about 12.15...then called Mel. Aikz....found out that she's still at home! What the... The both of them only came at about 12.30! While waiting, I went into Body Shop, and bought this little loofah with a butterfly shape on it...don't know for what but I find it cute. Then walked around outside The Body Shop, and spotted this mini clothes bazaar inside The Curve. Looked around, and saw 2 really cute skirts! XD One was a skirt with the word Roxy printed on it(a fake, no doubt), another is a fashionably crinkly white skirt, which will match really well with a red top I'm going to wear on the first day of CNY. Didn't buy those skirts though, waited until JayC and Mel comes, then we all head off to...the Curve Open Bazaar! They have alot of things on sale there...really nice, but some which don't suit my taste. Alot of "RM10 for 3" earrings stalls available there...really nice earrings but didn't buy any...I have alot I haven't even worn yet! :P After awhile of browsing....realised we kinda lost JayC amongst the customers and sellers....she went ahead of Mel and I. Found her at a bags(?) stall. Haha...went one round and didn't find anything I wanna buy(but they were really nice things! argh! the horror~~! =P) Then after one round around the stalls, wanted to get something to eat and saw this "Winter Warmers Coffee and Tea House" cafe nearby. Very elegant lookin' place we got here eh... Looked at the price. Oh, very elegant prices as well...lolx... Inside... Huah....the place is furnished to taste! XD Elegance play a role i guess....everything from the services to the teacups are of elegance and beauty. Oh wait....so the waiter isn't beautiful....=P Had...hot chocolate and ice cream for meself, JayC had a iced green tea and Mel had.....something.....omg i forgotten! Sorry Mel! Gomen gomen... The hot chocolate is delicious! Actually I already had too much chocolate for the week but the heck with it! Wahaaha! And the ice cream....is just ----> XD
Aahahaah...i think I had sugar rush 'cause I was unusually happy....maybe JayC was right about me having sugar rush...eep! =P
Anyway, after having that short break (shopping hits really hard on me legs....owwww!) walked around abit more outside...then saw this nice little bangles stall. 12 Bangles for RM6. So tempting! But didn't buy....in case i go literally
broke later!
Then walked into the inside bazaar of The Curve. Alot of things are going at a cheap price! XD I finally bought that white crinkly skirt, and the Roxy white skirt! XD Yay~ now can match with the tops Mom bought for me last week! =D
Other than that...I also got a new handbag! JayC went like "you need a new bag, dear" and showed me this
cute playboy handbag! But it was in pink...I took the white one instead. The pink one was equally nice, but it is going to be hard to match with my outfit. (sorry JayC! >.<)
Went around browsing other stalls, but found nothing of my interest.
After enough browsing, decided to head on home....was pretty late and I promised Mom I will be home early for dinner.
Went to Taman Megah for dinner. That night I had HK style chee cheong fun(so little...), kerang, waffle, chips, ice-cream. Bloated~!
Then walk around the pasar malam. So many nice clothes! I bought some tops...can't find any nice skirts. There were some....but they were 3 times more expensive than my tops sum up together that I didn't buy them.
Bought meself a new long wallet. Roxy leh...but fake la. Can't never ever afford the real thing.
After this round of shopping, I was pretty contented having spent so much money in a day. Come to think of it I've never splurged so much in my life! Eheheh
"Your bill is two hundred and ninety, miss"
Imagine.this. Mel, JayC, and I went to eat at Jack's Place yesterday(to try it out!). We had one slice of tiramisu cake, one slice of cheesecake, a Peach Melba(slices of peach with fresh cream in clear glass), and a banana split. Oh and three glass of plain skyjuice.
It turned out the waiter was just joking! Haha. He hadn't had enough sleep the night before so he "purposely" read the bill wrong! It caught the 3 of us off though! Dang!
Haha. After paying the supposed amount, went to *where I work* to chill. Noting this is a Saturday, it's of course, full. Was plannin to get me pay but the bosses went out already! Dang! Oh well, next time then. No rush.
Later on went to Yippee Cup. Didn't order anything. JayC and Mel ordered a drink each, and we started to play Jenga! we were seated in the Smoking Area. When another group o' customers came and seated at the table next to ours, their smoking can kill man! I hate the smell of smoke! If it isn't so much then I wouldn't mind.
While playing the nice nice Jenga set, can actually hear the group next to us saying things like "Eh, belum jatuh lagi la" "Ingatkan dah jatuh, masih diri lagi"
It stood about twice it's original height, and was going to reach 2 and a half...but.......BLANG! Aikz, it's didn't reach! Haha. Had a good game though! :D We played about 3 times more, then head off to FOS. The clothes there...are cute but rather big for me.
Browse browse....then Mel had to go. Left me and JayC. Saw JayC hold something in her hand.
Wahwah! A cute pants with dices on it! And the dices has heart shaped patterns on it instead of the usual boring dots! Damn kawaii! XD
After paying, we left FOS and I went home.
That's about it for the day.
P.S. I'm supposed to finish this post weeks ago. Abit late on poasting. Sorry -_-"
Barperson for a day...
Went to work at 2pm today.First thing when I came in was.....to be a barperson for today. My first reaction was "What?! NooOOoooOOOOooOooooOooOoOOo!!!!" But what to do...The colleague who usually is in charge of the bar is on leave, and it's either me or another colleague who is capable of doing the bar, so they chose me(Why?!?!!?). Obviously the new person who joined us(Eason/Jay/whatever your name was) have not a single tuppence of idea of how to operate the bar, so forget about it.
It wasn't so busy throughout the time Mel was there. Chatted with Mel and Jay/Eason/HY(the bosses gave him pseudonyms so I have no idea which he's using...), until about 4 or 5 something where a customer or 2 came in. I wasn't very organised when doing the orders(since when was I ever organised anyway?). Gave the soup in late, then made the drinks late, because there wasn't any music because there was something wrong with the CD i think. Argh! Freakin' CD!! I changed like...2 CDs but the results are still the same. *groan* I think the machine needs the "Boss-touch" because when he tried the fourth CD, it worked! Grr...
Anyway, yong sui guy came again, ordered something different this time(Oh wah, I'm "impressed"). Huh...sent the food to him. Idiot asked about my work days. Dude....what's so interesting about my work days man??? I just acted sarcastically to him, and left after he paid for his meal. When I showed him the bill he was like "So expensive kah?" It didn't occur to me that I had actually punched the wrong amount!! Crap! It was like....half an hour later then I realised my mistake! Damn, had to go back and apologise. Haihz.
Other than that...after Mel left, the shop started getting abit busy. Not that very busy though. I managed to handle(with mistakes no doubt). But got through it today. It the first time I closed bar by myself, with the guidance of one of the bosses. I have to say, it's not as tiring as being on the outside floor(meaning, the waitressing job itself, you know...serving, taking orders, this n that). But of course being in the bar meaning you have to be fast in whatever you do, if not...the kitchen people would bising about things not getting done and stuff...and I'll be in big trouble.
Helped the cook to throw rubbish today. The second time I when to the "most beautiful place in the world" according to another boss. Whoa! The stench can kill! Urgh! Throw the rubbish and cleaned the bin fast, then head back to the shop. I locked the shutters and left one open because the bosses are still inside checking stuff. Then one of the boss called me..."Hey barperson! You forgot to keep the ice!!" Oh heck! But the other boss did the job. Phew! Tomorrow cannot forget oh...or else.....>_<
After that went home, and now on the computer of course. That's about it. Sleepy now. Tomorrow gotta work again...
"You look like a Japanese"
Oh god. It ain't a new thing if someone randomly comes up to me and say "You look like a Japanese." It's not like I'm a decendant of one, there isn't anyone in my family who is of Japanese descent. Haha. So far nobody has spoken to me in Japanese or Korean yet. I hope there wouldn't be any =P
In other news, I've already worked for a month!!! Hurray!
Time passed really fast. The new year has passed! I spend the new year sleeping though. Nthing special. My new year resolution is still the same thing. I recycle every year =P which is to not procrastinate. And I still procrastinate though =P
Hmm what else....oh, I have yet to register for college. Couldn't find time to go and apply. Whatsmore, I haven't gotten my CNY shopping done yet. Today I checked my wardrobe for a dress for the dinner since I won't have time to accompany Neeraa to KL to buy a dress =( Found a nice dress, now to get the makeup. 1 Utama would have alot so since I'm working there, I can walk around during my breaktime.
I think that would be all for now. Really sleepy. *yawns* =P Goodnight people! ^^