As a student, I should have been expecting this but due to denial...
Yesterday, after I checked the due dates of my remaining
major assignments(this
EXCLUDES tutorial homeworks). And this is what I found out:
MYOB assignment - 26th September2)
MPO Individual essay - October 2nd3)
Business Statistics group assignment - October 6th4)
ATBD group presentation - October 17th5)
MAR - October 20thIf I hadn't checked yesterday, I'd probably be in
full panic right after mid-sem exams are over.
The best part is, I HAVE NOT start on ANY of them!
Great, no?This means
NO skimping on classes to go shopping anymore, no lazying around during lunch anymore, no playing computer games anymore, no slacking off doing something else when I'm supposed to be studying, etc etc...
Now I doubt I'd be able to keep to that...maybe I'd still laze around during lunch (I NEED to EAT okay! >_<)
Supposed to be doing the first assignment on the list now...went to a friend's house this morning to have a photocopy of a missing page in my book. Dunno why my lecturer had to put up the case study so fugging late...on the pretext that we'd do it last minute...hah!
What the heck...
P.S. Me want that casual heels from likey =D gonna get it soon...
History repeats itself once again...
Today is the day my group were to debate. And our topic?
Only Money Motivates(affirmative side).
And heck, last year when I had to do another debate(something about wild animals and preserving them), when it came to my turn for me to gun down the opponent(with words of course), I froze, managed to speak out less than 10 words, then sat back down in my chair(much to the surprise of my opponents).
This time around, the EXACT same thing happened! And worst, I already had a few hits from the opponents.
Argh! The difference between sitting down listening to a debate and standing up speaking about what you know about your topic is A TOTALLY DIFFERENT THING!!!
And worst...this time around I was the last speaker of the affirmative which ALSO MEANS I am the last speaker to the ENTIRE DEBATE!
Before I stood up, I had everything I wanted to say in my mind. I was like, "Yea! I can do it! I know what to say!"
But as soon as I stood up
"I don't know what to say"
At the end of the debate, dear lecturer asked why I froze during the debate. I couldn't do it. I could never do debates. I nearly cried(literally).
Prior to the debate, I spent countless of hours searching for the right sources and all this had to go down the drain!
I'm sorry Ashley!
I'm sorry Irene!
I'm sorry Venus!
I'm sorry Sebastian!
I'm sorry Aik Tze!
stress giler!
I have 5 major assignments to complete for this semester!!
1) Group debate
2) MPO Individual essay
3) MYOB assignment
4) Stats group assignment
5) MAR assignment
and I haven't started on ANY of THEM!!!
Celaka punya internet connection!
Ahhh~ been typing this post twice and the first time was because blogger was scheduled for a maintenance shutdown or something an hour later and the second time was my connection going on and off on me!! Grr~~
Tried to type em all in Notepad but it wouldn't be as "syok". Anyway, I put a few posts into this one post, so it's probably gonna be long...I dunno...haven't start typing the actual posts also how I know la... -_-"
Btw, the different colours indicate different posts..or supposedly different posts....ahh i dun bother already, just go ahead and read.
On the 22nd of July, we celebrated Soo Wen's birthday (though we were abit late but...) at a place called Hooked at The Curve. The ambience of the shop is really nice, but the lights did no mercy on my eyes >_<Anyway, the shop itself is pretty fishy(pardon the pun :D). Every dish has fish in it. And to think, I hate fish :/We all had dinner first. Had pasta. Abit too much on the cheesy side. I think I'm lactose intolerant :OAfter the heavy dinner, it was cake time!!
(Soo Wen sorry I kinda stole this from ur blog :P)
Hohoho espresso cheese~
Damn tempting leh~! It was really nice :D
Unfortunately, I could only take one piece. I could get "jelak" really easily when it comes to cheese, milk, eggs, and many other stuffs.
I think there was still quite a big part of the cake left after we all had our share. Lol...and I remember the birthday girl say that there are some other cakes in her fridge :P Lol have fun eating Soo Wen (though I know it's REALLY late to say this now...-_-")
On the 1st of August, one of my college friends passed away. I never got the chance to say how much as a friend she meant to me. How I never got to do the things I promised to do with her(uhh...why does this suddenly sounds so wrong O_O"""") and I never got to have any pics with her.
Her strong-willed character is something I admire about her. She is always full of energy and her positive attitude is always there.
Dear Rosline, rest in peace. You shall be missed dearly.
I will never forget our friendship.
P.S. To that bastard who told me to take off her name from my MSN nickname because he claims that I remind everyone about her and that everyone will be sad because of that, look here:
_l_ -_- _l_
Go to hell la you stupid bastard. None of your business also. People wanna mourn for her, let them mourn larh. Mangkok betul >:(
On the 29th of July, I got myself an MP4 player! Unfortunately, this player does not "exist" on the internet, so no pics or info. Wahahahahaha! Wanted to take a pic of it, but decided against it. Too much information too soon. Not like the brand is famous also.
So far, got some songs inside, but mostly all lectures and tutorials. I HAVE to pass my marketing and mpo this time!!
On the 12th of August, I langgar-ed a car on the way back home from college. I wasted time going to college because I forgot to bring my student card and I couldn't access the library and the receptionist desk at the ground floor is chained(close mah).
Was going home when I hit a Proton Saga Aeroback at a junction.
I was like "Omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg" -_-"
The fella's car got like, one small dent.
MINE was like, number plate broke into a million pieces, some things in front came off(dunno what were they), and dents here and there.
I was pretty shock!
I mean, my car's condition was like, waaaaaayyyyyy worst! As if I hit a truck or something!!!
And the weirdest part was, i wasn't even accelerating. But i did let go of the brake, so the car WAS moving, but wasn't fast.
And the knock was so soft I wouldn't even know I hit the car if I didn't look in front of me O_O
scary eh?
On 13th of August, got myself a new bag. Sling bag from Teddy Tales. Saw that it's big enough for me to stuff my books inside. Yeah so the colour is pretty ugly, but so what? As long as I can dump books inside.
So far I'm fine with it, except the shoulder pain I'm experiencing.