History repeats itself once again...
Today is the day my group were to debate. And our topic?Only Money Motivates(affirmative side).
And heck, last year when I had to do another debate(something about wild animals and preserving them), when it came to my turn for me to gun down the opponent(with words of course), I froze, managed to speak out less than 10 words, then sat back down in my chair(much to the surprise of my opponents).
This time around, the EXACT same thing happened! And worst, I already had a few hits from the opponents.
Argh! The difference between sitting down listening to a debate and standing up speaking about what you know about your topic is A TOTALLY DIFFERENT THING!!!
And worst...this time around I was the last speaker of the affirmative which ALSO MEANS I am the last speaker to the ENTIRE DEBATE!
Before I stood up, I had everything I wanted to say in my mind. I was like, "Yea! I can do it! I know what to say!"
But as soon as I stood up
"I don't know what to say"
At the end of the debate, dear lecturer asked why I froze during the debate. I couldn't do it. I could never do debates. I nearly cried(literally).
Prior to the debate, I spent countless of hours searching for the right sources and all this had to go down the drain!
I'm sorry Ashley!
I'm sorry Irene!
I'm sorry Venus!
I'm sorry Sebastian!
I'm sorry Aik Tze!
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