Saturday, August 26, 2006

As a student, I should have been expecting this but due to denial...

Yesterday, after I checked the due dates of my remaining major assignments(this EXCLUDES tutorial homeworks). And this is what I found out:

1) MYOB assignment - 26th September
2) MPO Individual essay - October 2nd
3) Business Statistics group assignment - October 6th
4) ATBD group presentation - October 17th
5) MAR - October 20th

If I hadn't checked yesterday, I'd probably be in full panic right after mid-sem exams are over.

The best part is, I HAVE NOT start on ANY of them!

Great, no?

This means NO skimping on classes to go shopping anymore, no lazying around during lunch anymore, no playing computer games anymore, no slacking off doing something else when I'm supposed to be studying, etc etc...

Now I doubt I'd be able to keep to that...maybe I'd still laze around during lunch (I NEED to EAT okay! >_<)

Supposed to be doing the first assignment on the list now...went to a friend's house this morning to have a photocopy of a missing page in my book. Dunno why my lecturer had to put up the case study so fugging late...on the pretext that we'd do it last minute...hah!
What the heck...

P.S. Me want that casual heels from likey =D gonna get it soon...


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