The End of The Month
Wow! I did not know I've been in college for quite awhile already! It's the last day in the month of February! Feb 28th! ^^ Time seriously passes really fast when you're having fun....and when you're not really having fun too...
So many good times and bad times in college already. Like the time when the lift stayed at Ground Floor when I had waited for quite sometime for it to come up to 3rd Floor. In the end, decided to just take the stairs.
So hmm....there's nothing much to blog here. Currently my schedule is pretty light, though I have no idea why. Oh by the way, I finally had my hair highlighted!! Thanks Mom ^^ Now it looky like blonde, sometimes red and purple ^^ So unique XD
Hmm lately had gotten a lot of assignments especially in Economics and Accounting classes. >.< Hmm.....and my driving exam is on March 7th!! So fast, I don't know if i'm able to finish learning everythin on time or not X.x
Yesterday I started learning 3 point turn. Eeek! Turning the stering wheel is one of the hardest >.< My hands had sort of become jelly due to that >.< The car sei fo about i think twice already. What made it worst was that it was raining that particular morning. >.<
I think this is about what I'll blog for today. I'm so tired. And I still have Econs and Acc homeworkz to do >.<
I've answered this quiz before few entries back, but this time I got a different answer. I think this suits me more, except the intelligent part.

You're like me! The intelligent loner. You're shy
at times but friendly, and you are never weak
and always independent. You are incredibly
intelligent (wise beyond your years) and have a
talent for many things (sports, music, art).
You have a kind and warm personality and enjoy
the simple things. Like hanging out with
friends and watching movies at home. But you're
sometimes quiet nature makes you a bit of an
outcast and a mystery to people. No matter how
pretty you are or smart or athletic, you just
can't seem to break into the crowd and be
noticed. Don't worry, try to be more outgoing
and speak out when you have more to say. Don't
hide behind your books and sports and computer,
get out there and get noticed. You also have
deep desires in life and feel vunerable and
alone at times. Don't feel sad either, What
helps me to express feelings and dreams that I
can't say to people, is through my writting.
Maybe you should try.
What kind of girl are you? (with pix!) brought to you by QuizillaYou are 33% Libra

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First official driving lesson
Yesterday was the first day I had my first ever driving lesson. Got a call the day before from a Mr. Thian, whom will be guiding me through the upcoming how-to-drive processes. Whoopie!! I drove(with the guide of the instructor) a few rounds around the driving site in Kelana Jaya. It was kind of difficult to turn the stering as it is not power stering. Learned how to change gears while driving, but Mr. Thian asked me to try while the car is in stationery mode. He said "Next time la...y u so "kan cheong"? afterwards get accident ah" :P
Then drove around the site in first gear. Saw my schoolmate Brenda Ong in another car, Sekolah Memandu Rakyat. Not some driving school in DJ. She was learning how to use the handbrake, the slope thingie. Then there was another guy who was also doing the slope. Sekolah Memandu Surfine Tech. Both nearly ended up in an accident! Going into the same slope.
The 2 hours driving lesson seems to past like it was 10 minutes or so le. So fast! The instructor said I'm okay except controlling the stering and releasing the clutch too fast on first gear(that's y the car sei fo twice adi! :P) Then he drove me to Shu Wei's house because we were going to Sunway Piramid to get her CNY clothes. Yee Ling came along too, and Wei Kiat. Walk and walk around SP, into clothes shops, into shoes shops, into accessories shops, but I couldn't afford anything, coz i had only brought RM10 with me!! >.< Argh! Had forgotten to ask for money before I went out in the morning. How stupid of me :P So, the only I could do is admire the extremely beautiful clothes and shoes behind those glass display cases sigh
Feel like going back there and splurge la! Ish >.<
Anyway, ended up only Shu Wei bought clothes and stuff. Yee Ling and I did not buy anything, just teman Shu Wei around SP. Feel like old times when we used to come here in a gang of about 10-15 people to play bowling ^^ hehe
From 11am until about 5pm in SP. Legs already hurting. Ate lunch at KFC. Chat about life. Aikz! Just found out Shu Wei going for NS second intake!! Shit! Leaving me :( About in early March she'll be leaving to Kuala Kubu(her hometown) for the NS course. Sigh! >.<
Erm...back to the day's event. Okay, came home from Shu Wei's house at about 6pm. Went out for dinner at DJ Cafe. Bloated! :P Came home and went online. Not many people was there. Logged off after a couple of minutes, the Nick Leong sms-ed me. My credit getting low already, the first time in the last September 2004. Went to sleep after replying his 3rd sms. Too tired from driving and walking. Logging off now. Adios~