Monday, April 11, 2005

First job interview

Hmm I had a call today from the supervisor of the shop which I had submitted a resume in. Have to go for an interview tomorrow.
Her reason? She just wants to meet me. I wonder why she would want to do that now? The other KDU student only leaves in May, not April.
Anyhow, I am to meet her tomorrow at noon time. And I'm going to college at 9am. Pretty early since my class is starting at 2pm.
Oh well, I could dwell in the library and study. I really need to catch up on my Economics. Exam is next week. This Friday is going to start off with Academic English exam. A whole 3 hours is set aside for the students. You may think it is a lot of time, but if you look at the number of questions and the amount of words we have to write per essay(there's 2 essays by the way), you'd be surprised to find out there ISN'T enough time to do everything.
And I have to study real hard because the average marks at the end of the year is counted by adding all semesters marks and divided by the number of semesters I'm going through the whole year.
Man am I so dead!!
Oh, and did anyone realise the previous post stopped halfway? I have no idea, and I'm having a couple of problems with the previous post. Seems like half of it went missing after I had that HTML problem earlier on. Odd...

Okay, continuing from the previous post...
So, since I hd failed to catch the bus, I took a taxi instead. After paying a sum of RM4.00, I entered 1 Utama. Started racing up to the cinema area. Was in time for the movie Samara. Bought ticket and went into cinema Hall 6.

After far as I can say, the movie....kinda.....sucked...
Yes, because many of the scary scenes were taken from other horror flicks like Dark Water. I'm not going to say which part or it'd be a spoiler already.

After the movie, which ended after 2 hours, I just loiter around 1 Utama, and bought a pair of earrings from Sinma. I seem to began to have this weird fascination with dangling earrings, as I've never had any until I enter college.

I'm goin to sign off now, have fun reading. :D Adios~


At 7:07 AM , Blogger Robbstar said...

wah where are U goin to work? submit resume? sounds like some office.

At 12:50 AM , Blogger Unknown said... Atria, but dunno whether the supervisor will accept me another girl applied the job too. It's not an office, just some shop...


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