Parking ticket incident (pls dun be so silly like me)
There was one particular ticket incident (I think most of my collegemates would be able to remember it) which happened not too long ago. One morning, a friend of mine as well as I were late to college, reaching there at about 8am. I did the usual, lock the stering of my car, then proceed to feed the uber-greedy parking machine with coins.THEN, upon reaching maximum limit of coins for the day (the machine allows only maximum RM4 to eat per pax...but reaching RM4 means you're allowed to park for 24 hours, no matter what time) I didn't realised the time, so the ticket was printed like this:

Weird timing? Yes, I agree.
And you know what the silly girl me did?

It would have been really funny, and I can bet I heard the Mr. SamanMan laughing his santaclaus belly all da way to the saman-paying area. Har. What I didn't realise was that the TARIKH BELI/TAMAT is 08-09/05/06, which means I could have parked my car overnight till next morning at 8.07 in the morning! So malufying....
wahaha XD
so silly la u!!!
hahahha ROFL
great.. at least this make me feel not so tension..
shu wei: yes i memang silly, next time i better read the tickets carefully
-dReAMer- : tension for what? O_o
-laughs+fell off from chair+laughs summore-
that is one of the most malu-fying moments for college students!! wakakakaka
next time READ PROPERLY liao...ish ish XD
wah i din see la that time >< was in a rush summore! :p
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