Of recent events (and not-so recent ones)
This post is going to touch on a number of occasions, and I'm gonna type out what comes to my mind first. The list of events is not written in chronological order. Come on, this is my blog, I can do what I want :DFirst event in line is the slow-guy-steal-handphone real-life story told my one of me lecturers, Ms.CSZ.
Her colleagues, consisting of 3 women and one man(torn among the roses thing) were at Damansara Utama having lunch.
By the way, we were thinking how they actually had the time to go DU and eat when Subang Jaya is like freakin' far from that place. Anyway...
so dear Ms.CSZ was enjoying yoong tau fu(shop is currently unknown, she did not disclose that particular info) and there was this kid, who came in with a newspaper in his hand, and in the middle of the newspaper was a picture of an Indian God, and he was going around asking for donations.
So he stopped at ms.CSZ's table, and asked for donations. They...erm, lemme skip this part. So after a while, they noticed the kid still standing at the same spot, asking donations from their table...waiting for SOMETHING.
After some time, he walked off, quite slowly. Then suddenly, one of ms.CSZ's female colleague stood up, and ran after the kid, leaving the rest of her colleagues in a blur. THEN, she came back, sat down, like one would normally do before indulging in food. So her colleagues then question her about her abrupt running.
She promptly told them that THE KID TOOK HER HANDPHONE! (Would you believe the cheek of kids these days...).
Immediately, the male (and only male) colleague stood, up, ran after the boy in great hurry, and smack the kid senseless on the head.
ms.CSZ actually commented that at such far distance, the smack could be heard! Must've been one really hard smack. The poor kid must've started to see stars already :P
And then, this particular, un-related, super-kaypoh guy nearby, who was doing something in the boot of his car, saw the commotion, and asked what happened (in a kaypoh sorta way). So then he was told of the incident. Immediately he slammed his car boot and sprinted after the poor kid. What happened wasn't very clear, but he came back and scolded ms.CSZ and her colleagues instead!
His reason? He left his car keys in the boot of his car, and he slammed the boot shut, remember? (If you don't please scroll up and re-read carefully)
Lesson of the day? Don't be so kaypoh, it's not very good to barge in on something which has nothing to do with you.
Next event : How to Win over a rather Serious Librarian.
This one happened earlier today. Was in library to discuss marketing analysis report with the rest of my groupmate. Wanted to book a discussion room, Discussion Room 2 to be particular. So the rather-serious-librarian was at the counter, and he gave me his choice of room, Discussion Room 1, because it was vacant. I was like "Can I have Room 2 instead?" and he asked "Why?" in a very surprise and suspicious manner. And you know what I did?

I'm the one with the big wide smile, which was unrealistically bigger than my face. Haha!
So then he gave me the key to Room 2 instead xD so fun! Well, until i realise Room 2 does not have marker pens! Oopz! hehe...
Well that's all about it. Supposed to have one more post about this ticket incident, but until i scan something, then I'll post it. Just wait.
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